The planned capital ship system was to allow factories and other station-based systems to be placable on ships if I'm remembering right (with a trade off of a small amount of max speed).(I understand that you want replicators on ships. I think that existing factory systems should be possible on ships - with slower production for balance.)
If my memory is right, factions should be able to regenerate asteroids in a system by using faction points (or was planned to). If an admin-faction claimed the starting sector and respawned the starting asteroids a few times a week it should help.Starting sectors are stripped of -useful- resources. Resources that can be recycled into more useful resources are probably still around, even if in extremely limited supply. Without recycling available, starting sectors will continue to be resource-bare. My point is that if one requires a resource to recycle blocks into something more useful, it's not really a change. Someone will inevitably hoard the fuel for business. The ones who can least afford the fuel will be the ones who need it the most.
Originally, asteroids respawned after a set amount of time anyways, when the sector was unloaded. I know this as a fact since they tried to spawn inside a station I was trying to build before. No idea if this system is still in place after the faction points addition though.