Repair to Catalog Specifications Feature

    Aug 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Summary: A quick way to repair ships without having to do so by hand that will also act as a credit-sink of sorts by adding the ability to repair a ship based on catalog features.

    The "repair to catalog specs" option would work by checking the blocks on the ship core that are missing from the catalog and replacing them WITHOUT modifying blocks that are in place of the catalog-specified blocks. So if a light hull was blown off by a missile, and the light hull is in the catalog, it would be replaced. If you replaced that light hull with a hardened hull, the repair-to-spec option would do nothing.

    You're charged the cost of the replaced blocks in credits.

    This would also mean you could buy a ship as a basic template, add on to it, and repair the ship from the catalog without interfering with your additions. You could then make an additional catalog entry based on your purchased ship + the additions you made so you could have a cheap repair option and a full repair option (basic template you originally purchased versus all the additions in the second catalog entry).
    Aug 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    I thought one way of doing it were to link a catalog to your ship and then dock it into a \"repair docking module\" at POS and use the staitions power to regenerate the ships blocks over time.

    At first it would scan the ship, then slowly repair each block, which each block costs a certian amount of power per second.

    Like one block would be 100e/sec and depending on its mass, it would take so many seconds to repair.

    All while using some sort of fancy visual effect, like the shield effect but a different color.
    Aug 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I just assumed the cost would be the cost of the block, same as if you replaced it by hand, basically. Maybe add a \"Replace from Inventory/Ship Plex Storage Containers\" option too so it isn\'t always a charge from your credits, especially if you got the hulls from slain pirates.
    Aug 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    I think it would be better to use a personal station to do it and consume the stations energy to replace all missing blocks.