Repair Systems

    Jul 20, 2013
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    Reading a through a couple topics I caught notice of a couple of wants for shipyards and repairs for ships. I propose something of a hybrid feature that will add a somewhat strategic element. Playing Star Trek Bridge Commander gave me this idea, because the analagous feature works pretty nicely in that game.

    A new block, "Repair Console". Basically this block will regenerate the mising blocks of your ship based on saved information of your ship's state at time of the save, stored in the block about how the ship should look. This sounds game breaking, but I propose these limitations.

    When mounted in a ship entity,

    • Limit 1 block per entity.
    • Requires NPCs stationed at/around to have effects take place .
    • Regenerates hull and thrusters at x block per x sec. (larger repair crews repair faster) This will not regenerate critical systems like power, shields, weapons, and minerals/etc..
    • Requires shields to be shut down when in use.
    • Actual blocks are needed to regen hull. Drawn from the repair console itself.

    When mounted at a station,

    • Requires NPCs on a station, like on ships.
    • Requires linking to a dock module and a ship to be docked. The ship must have a repair console with saved ship state. If not linked to a dock module, repairs are done to the station itself.
    • Regenerates all blocks aside from mineral type blocks. The regen rate is higher aboard stations.
    • Still requires actual blocks to regenerate.

    This one block could do so much to enhance the game. It will allow easy repair, which will encourage holding onto ships longer, and more constant exploration. In terms of combat, you can make the strategic decision to repair mid battle if you can get some cover. (If break off ever gets implemented as default, you might want to take a risk and drop those shields to prevent whole parts from flying off). It solves the want for a shipyard on stations and encourages hiring NPCs. Most important in my mind, it makes hulls just that much more valueable as an in game commodity, and salvage beams more desirable on board ships. Plus it just adds immersion. I love the idea of having an engineer team to make repairs for you instead of having to manually place blocks time and time again when damaged.

    The only things I see wrong with the idea is they make astro tech beams almost completely obsolete, except for use on small personal fighters outside stations. The process of checking blocks on the ship might be intensive on memory and lag the game as well.