Repair modules and "Ghost" blocks


    Sep 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    This is a two part suggestion, the second part of which hinges on the first. It involves repairing damaged ships.

    My first proposal is that blocks destroyed by incoming weapons fire get treated differently than blocks removed by the player. When a block is fired on, it gets progressively more damaged (just like it does already), and when it reaches zero hit points, it becomes a "ghost" block. It's still there and still attached to the ship, but it can't be seen, touched or interacted with. Destroyed weapon systems remain linked to the weapon computer and vice versa, likewise destroyed docking and turret modules remain linked to their enhancers, though they no longer work.

    This allows ships to have a health meter. The undamaged blocks are represented as a green bar, the damaged blocks show up as a yellow bar and the destroyed blocks show up in red. A ship with a thousand blocks, 700 of which are fine, 200 of which are damaged and 100 of which are destroyed would have a health bar that's 70% green, 20% yellow and 10% red. That won't tell you what KIND of blocks you've lost, but it'll give you a general sense of how badly you're hurt.

    As an addition to build mode, there would now be a checkbox that says "Repair mode". Checking this box makes ghost blocks visible as a red outline and highlights damaged blocks in yellow (kinda like how the game now highlights linked blocks in purple). Clicking on damaged or destroyed blocks repairs or replaces them, however any blocks you replace have to come from your inventory. Repairing still costs blocks, it just isn't tedious or time consuming, and weapons/docking blocks autoreconnect to their computers/enhancers.

    The second part of my proposal is an autrepair module, which has a supporting block called a repair enhancer. Like a docking enhancer, you need repair enhancers linked in order to serve a larger ship.

    Repairing would work like the weapon or cloaking systems; you assign a hotkey while in flight mode and hold down left click while the module is selected in order to use it. Autorepair takes time to work and draws power in proportion to the amount of damage healed and number of enhancers attached, meaning a large heavily damaged ship requires extra power compared to a small lightly damaged one. You obviously can't fire weapons while the module is working, as a play balancing feature.

    You can link the autorepair module to a plex storage unit and have it draw blocks from storage to replace destroyed ones; a smart player might make sure they have a dedicated "spare parts locker" with all the same blocks they used to build the ship. If no plex storage unit is linked, the autorepair only repairs damaged blocks, it does not replace destroyed ones.

    The same trick can be adapted to the astrotechbeam. If you link an astrotech computer to a plex storage unit, the beam can now replace damaged blocks. This upgrade would make the tech beams still useful in a team setting, even though autorepair would completely replace them solo.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    I really dig these ideas. They would make the game a lot more fun to play since no one likes to repair their ship since it is so time consuming. Maybe for the health meter it can have a small diagram of your ship and so you know what part of your ship is damaged and to what extent.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    This is an excellent idea and probably the best about repairing I have seen. Kudos.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    I like it too but, only if it is not going to lag the game out.

    To demand a response from schema is silly. What makes you more superior than anyone else who has made a suggestion? There are lot of just as good if not better suggestions out there.

    If enough people post they like the idea then and only then maybe it might be worthy of schema responding but as it is barely anyone as has posted they like the idea.

    If schema responded to every single good idea he would not get any work done he is a really busy man and has alot on his plate.


    Sep 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen

    EFL was the one who threatened the bump the thread until a response. I haven\'t posted in it, up until now, since I\'d rather not reply to my own topic.


    Sep 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'ve had time to consider this idea, and have thought of at least one addendum: repair shops. I\'ve spent more time playing the game and messing around with player controlled stores, and I think I have an way of doing this that works.

    At each neutral store, have a \"repair all\" option that restores all damaged or destroyed blocks. The replacement blocks come out of the store inventory, and the store cannot repair ships if it doesn\'t have enough blocks in stock. The cost of repair is equal to the cost of the blocks, plus a \"repair fee\". It\'s cheaper to do the repairs manually, but easier for newcomers to use the stores.

    Player controlled stores also have a repair option, but with some added twists. The owner can decide whether to allow neutral players to repair, what the repair fees are for neutral and faction aligned ships and the like. The store still needs to be stocked with blocks in order to conduct repairs however, which means that you can\'t repair at a player controlled store until after you\'ve stocked it.

    This would allow factions to establish repair stations, by building a base, placing a shop block, setting the shop\'s repair settings and stocking the shop with merchandise. It\'d be one step toward faction starbases.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    this is a friggin awesome idea, nice simple and clean.

    some experienced coders need to look into this if this is actually possible, but i think it is. however you should not be able to repair a ship while somebody is building on it or vice versa, since this might interfere with the block ghosting saving/storage function, just as a precaution not to generate any errors :).

    as for the repair station idea from RsG,

    .... sounds amazing, you can then actually build an empire and or trade relations between faction involving repair rights and block trades that way..
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Just one thing, I think an auto-repair button is needed. No one wants to click a bunch of times to get a ship fully repaired. Anyway, great idea dood.


    Sep 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen

    The reason I didn\'t suggest an auto-repair button is that I worry about in-combat repairs dragging battles out and screwing with play balance. All of the suggestions I\'ve made have deliberate balancing limitations; repair stations are fixed and immobile, repair mode is too time consuming to use in battle, auto-repair modules have time and power requirements, and the improved astro-tech beam is only useful on other ships.

    Basically, I want to avoid making repairs trivially easy, while still making them much less bothersome than the current build.
    Sep 15, 2013
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    this is a well thought out, gameplay improving idea. I think that this is definitely something to look at. however, as it is a convenience, a luxury, shema would be forgiven for delaying this in favor of other, more pressing matters, such as the discrepancy between AMCs and missiles, and the uselessness of hulls. emphasis on delaying, not ignoring.
    Aug 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    I can dig this idea. Having some sort of meter to give an overall read on your ships damage would be great. Though it can\'t account for somone punching straight trhough to your core and taking the ship out that way, and I like that.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Sorry but I have to bump this idea because it will allow so many other suggestions to be possible.