Release Ver:

    Jul 20, 2013
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    I have been testing both the release and dev versions.

    Release issue, I have found is the a core will travel around a rail loop just fine.
    Add a turret (mass taken into account) and the core will bounce back and forward along the rail, so being stuck.

    Being selfish, but turrets don't work in the dev version and release, rails only work small scale.
    A patch is really needed. I have had to explain this to server members that have come back.
    Nobody can replace their ships with the new system and enjoy the game. As FPS falls to 5 fps if lucky.
    Love Starmade but maybe more testing is required, just saying Alpha is a cop out. We are testing this for you and videos that make everything look perfect are not fair, explain how we can help or address the release issues please..

    Best Pho


    Nov 10, 2013
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    The Dev build is the least stable version, there have been builds that upright break when placing blocks (In a game about placing blocks no less!).

    For Turrets on rails; I've seen hints of that all around. Problem is, some people have made functional turrets on rails, fancy pop out stuff and the like. Other times, I've seen the pop-back. Could have something to do with AI for all I know, but you should try to gather more info and make a report on the bug tracker, if you can't find an existing bug of the same issue.

    The reason rails and turrets only work on the 'small scale' is probably due to the collision checks that they have to do. That needs optimizing and will probably happen sometime soon, in the meantime you can try to limit the lag my reducing the amount of surfaces that come into contact with the moving blocks.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    Hi CyberTao,

    Im not making a point just to make a point.
    I have made complex rail systems which constantly fail in the dev build which I have reported to making very simple ones with no logic in the release which still fail.
    There is no constancy from one login to the next.
    They fail or stutter. I know what alpha means of course.. A part of me wants the features "now" but this just shows that maybe more time is needed. The last release version is totally broken and has forced players to use the new system and totally abandon all their work before hand for a system that destroys FPS.

    Like I say, im a fan, I submit bug reports but I log on to our server to say welcome back to players that have been waiting but this is not the time to invest your time in remaking docks / turrets / ships. Really releasing a rail system that reduces FPS from 100 to 2-5 FPS is not good without a quick fix.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    I doubt there is a "quick fix" for the FPS drops, as that need a bit of code tweaking and maybe even some modifications to the engine. I'll admit that rails feel a little rushed, but they are getting better.

    I'm not entirely sure if you were forced to abandon the old system though, as far as I can tell the old system should still work so long as you dont add rails or rotors to your ships (from what I heard anyways).

    The stuttering and failing (if you are on server) is probably due to Server lag and Desync issues, which have been vastly improved in the Dev build. I could post a gif of what I do with rails, but that would be spamming at this point so I'll just link to the CC page. That contraption is working 100% of the time in the Dev build, provided there is no lag spike (Which tends to happen on busy servers around the Auto-save).