Regarding AMC's

    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    I love the game, it's the only one I've been playing for the past 3 weeks. But I had a few suggestions that I mulled over with my fellow players and we thought these might be good ideas:

    1) Anti Matter Cannons when put in a large grouping should fire slower, but more powerful shots. Possibly incorporating a small damage radius at a certain threshold when the weapon's damage per shot gets up high.
    It's strange to see a quick and nimble fighter shooting at a slow rate of fire, and a large capital ship firing like a chain gun. I think this would help to balance it out a little as well.

    2) Placing a Light Block of a Certain Color next to the weapons computer, will allow your lasers to adopt that light's color.
    So if I put a Red Light block next to my weapons computer, the lasers that I fire should be that color. Or blue, white, etc. I think this will add some color to a sometimes drab space world.

    3) Larger more noticeable explosion effects for hits at a certain damage level.

    It's sometimes a let down to see my ultra powerful AMCs just cause blocks to disappear. I'd prefer to get a little gratification in the form of fireworks when my shots hit an unshielded object.
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    AMC\'s have been talked about plenty of times. There is a large thread somewhere in this section which discussed them at length ^^ Look it up