RED EAGLES shipyard services (RESS)


    Pipe-God-Emperor of starmade
    Nov 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Silver 2
    The RED EAGLES are proud to announce their first shipyard. The RED EAGLE shipyard services, also known as RESS.

    Each ship will have its own classification to keep things simple, and so they can be sorted into different categories. The classifications are:

    MC- 1-100* (medical class)
    These are the medical ships. Ranging from shuttle to carrier, but all having a single goal. To deliver medical aid to civilians and military everywhere.

    SC-1-100* (support class)
    These are the miscellaneous ships. Ranging from cargo to a big wall of hull. (Literally a big wall to act as a makeshift shield).

    CVC-1-50* (civilian class)
    These ships focus on; personal transport, planetary dignitary transport, planetary colonization, and inter galactic transport.

    FC-1-50* (fighter class)
    These ships are the small(ish) craft that act as the general fighter of a fleet. Ranging from; atmospheric craft, system patrol, scouts, drones, to anti capital bombers, and interceptors.

    EC-1-50* (enforcer class)
    The police force of faction controlled space. These ships include; drop ships, bounty hunter type craft, sector patrol, and prisoner transport.

    CC-1-100* (combat class)
    Front line ships to punch a hole into enemy controlled space. They are also used in hunting operations, and in the midst of massive fleet battles. They range from small frigates built to ram space whales, to heavy destroyers with no end to how many guns we can fit on it to shoot at one target.

    WC-1-150 (war class)
    The big ships. The capital ships. Hey even the super capital ships are included in this specification. These ships have the widest variation in size apart from the CVS's. Ranging from; 200 metre long "mini capitals" to 2000 metre long "super capitals". They all share one thing in common though, you do not want to be on the receiving end of its guns.

    OMFG-1-10 (pretty self explanatory)
    The really really powerful ships. The planet killers, the system wreckers, and the really OP ships that are the pinnacle of there class. In short you do not want to be in the same galaxy as an enemy one of these.

    I will be posting the ships that I build into this thread. also if you want to contribute to this shipyard feel free to do so.

    /\ "In flight the eagle is unstoppable"


    Pipe-God-Emperor of starmade
    Nov 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Silver 2
    starmade-screenshot-0192.png the CVC-11
    a small craft designed for up to four passengers, perfect for traveling with your family around the stars (disclaimer: no jump drive)
    featuring a surprisingly large amount of interior space, a lot of exterior detail, and a very good view from the cockpit.

    an update will be around shortly in the form of the CVC-18 that will be of a similar design, only in a larger package (frigate sized)
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