Recovered lost Captains log of the CMS Six Feet Under

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Part One Discovery

    Captains Log; Day 1

    After two weeks of delays and re-planning, we are finally underway. All is going well and nothing seems out of the ordinary. The crew is happy, and the ship is working beautifully. The CMS Six Feet Under, my new ship, is marvelous. It`s a Spearhead Class Stealth Frigate custom fitted for our mission to search and rescue, and my god it is perfect, we have 10 point defense cannons on either side of the ship, and the ship cloaks like a beauty, its engines purr like a cat, and the shield can hold against any fighter or heavy bomber. It`s hull is light, but when we are on a rescue mission it`s understandable. We have 5-8 rescue shuttles at the ready, and we hope to reach our destination soon. I believe we are headed to Jericho VII if I read the mission report right. The battle there was supposed to be a brutal one. We lost seventeen ships apperently. After reading the battle report we lost five Marathon Frigates, ten Echo Class Destroyers, and two Kestrel Class Battleships, too many lives given for an outer colony... and they lost too 7-10 ships. Granted we won, but we also lost..

    And I can`t even believe I was stuck on cleanup duty, if I was there it would have been different. But for now, I`ll send another report when we get there. Signing off

    Captian Oscar T Dentak. 7th Fleet Check Mate Union

    Part Two The Ghost

    Captains Log; Day 7

    We came out of our Light Jump into hell, the Commonwealth has retaken Jericho VII and are now starting a global invasion, and mass slaughter. All we can do is watch the they bomb the planet and hope help arrives, our transmissions are being jammed but we remain in stealth and hidden from the enemy, our current position is ten thousand meters behind there largest carrier and we remain undetected. Our shuttles are being sent out to find what survivors we can find while we can find them. My first mate looks sick, I`ll send the crew off early today. What we have to watch is unbearable for most people to see. For now we must wait, we have powered down engines too fifteen percent and are cruising, and all systems, minus the ones we need are off. The crew are becoming anxious, we need help, fast. Signing off

    Captian Oscar T Dentak. 7th Fleet Check Mate Union

    Part Three Escape

    Captains Log; Day 23 with the Commonwealth fleet bombarding the planet, we had to retreat before we got detected, and thank god we did, right before we jumped from the bridge I saw the CMU Fleet jumped in and they came in firing everything they had. It was amazing to see our fleets power at its strongest. We didn`t get to see the full battle and we never went back, but fleetcom knows our missionwas a success and we picked up over 500 survivors from the destroyed fleet. We are moving them into rooms and rationing the food so we can survive. But our engines are shot, we need time to recharge before we jump home so for the next few days we will sit and wait. Signing off

    Captian Oscar T Dentak. 7th Fleet Check Mate Union