Recommended upload speed for hosting?

    Dec 6, 2014
    Reaction score
    While my friend attempts to host multiplayer with the two of us, I get the warnings that say 'Server doesn't answer', crash, and then get a report that says 'socket exception Read Timed Out'. I'm aware that this should mean that our connections suck, but he has hosted every game well up to this point (including a 6 man congested tekkit). What kind of of upload speed is actually required then, or is there a different problem here?

    almost forgot, system specs:

    windows 7 - 64 bit (hoster is on windows 8 - 64 bit)
    both 64 bit java
    oh yes and 8gb ram (hoster has 16gb)

    edit: Solved

    After testing with two vpns, over lan, without vpns, and port forwarding. I started a ping test to the friend I was connecting to, just like in the game I'd stop recieving replies eventually, turns out THIS IS STILL THE FIREWALL (what lazy thing). Vpn's are usually supposed to be a work around to port forwarding and firewall issues, but not in this case. I even had firewall exceptions for Java which made it look like starmade would go through, but it didn't...after a little while.

    If anyone comes here with the same issue of 'read timed out', at all, try one of these and then try to connect to narrow down the cause. I recommend using a VPN if your friends are hosting a private server, this way you don't have to worry about ports.

    -Turn off the firewall (Don't leave it off, it's dangerous! Turn it back on when your done or make and exception!), it might be your own firewall blocking the connection.

    -Ping the person you're trying to connect to (VPN's usually have this built in to the right click menu, otherwise google how to ping an ip.), since your firewall is off, it might be theirs.

    -The Antivirus you may have might be blocking it too.

    If your not using a VPN

    -Be absolutely sure everyone port forwarded correctly!

    Its probably a good idea to make sure everyone get replies when they ping each other.
    Last edited:
    Jul 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Hardware Store
    While my friend attempts to host multiplayer with the two of us, I get the warnings that say 'Server doesn't answer', crash, and then get a report that says 'socket exception Read Timed Out'. I'm aware that this should mean that our connections suck, but he has hosted every game well up to this point (including a 6 man congested tekkit). What kind of of upload speed is actually required then, or is there a different problem here?

    almost forgot, system specs:

    windows 7 - 64 bit (hoster is on windows 8 - 64 bit)
    both 64 bit java
    Did you open the port on your firewall? That is the most likely reason for this error.
    Dec 6, 2014
    Reaction score
    Yes, we've both opened our ports and even used a VPN. Warnings pop up anytime after spawning, be it after 5 seconds or 2 minutes.
    Dec 6, 2014
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    It seems that any server I join disconnects at me at any random time, monitoring my network connection over the time shows no interuptions either.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    We had this happen tonight with two of my friends. If one was on, the other lagged off. Trying to test it some more.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    I've looked at the solution you found, and I don't think that is the kind of solution you want to have in place. Although I haven't tried hosting for any of my friends yet (they haven't tried the game...yet) so I don't really have a solution to give.