Reactor Question


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I know that everyone loves building 5x5x5 reactors because they are so much more effiecient, BUT, is there any reasoning to build reactors of a bigger size, or is it just not worth it, like a 50x50x50 or 20x20x20 reactor?
    Jun 23, 2013
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    No reason why not. I think someone worked out once that you can hit the maximum recharge rate with one cleverly designed 23x23 size one, recharging as fast as the game allows, but there\'s no reason why not. I think beyond a certain amount though you start getting diminishing returns on the gain per section.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    In reality, it\'s all about the size of your ship. To get the most power for the least number of blocks used, the best way is to place them is all in one single long line. But if you don\'t want a stick ship, you can look into ways of making the power regeneration more compact. This is also useful for creating turrets or ships that are to be docked in compact spaces.

    Creating reactors of a certain size is more as an interesting challenge than anything else, sadly.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    They don\'t need to be in a line, they just need to always be expanding in one direction (x, y, or z).

    So a line | of 40 blocks gives the same power as a L of 40, as a T of 40, or a + of 40, or a 3d + (plus with some coming out from all directions)

    The best way to do power is just have the power \"lines\" go along with the shape of your ship, and then have multiple \"lines\" until you get the power you need. Its an exponential gain the more you have for each \"line\"

    You can do reactors, but they give very little power PER block, so you are wasting mass.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    I don\'t even know why the whole craze of 5x5x5 power setups began. Unless your ship is 5x5x5 cube, it isn\'t very efficient at all.

    There are nearly infinite ways to setup your power, and it\'s not that hard to get a 100% efficienty power setup as long as you know to make sure every power block you add is expanding the total dimensions of your power groups. I find the best reactor design to be based upon the ship it\'s being built for, so I never use standardized reactors and always build around the shape that I want.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Why are you replying to my post?

    After all the threads on power generation that you\'ve nitpicked something out of my post to have a go at, why do you still keep doing it?

    I was making the point that a single line of power blocks is more efficient per block than the number of blocks in a reactor. I didn\'t elaborate and explain that extending into each dimension improves the generation just the same, because the point to get across was that a single entity of blocks is more efficient than multiple ones; and then you go on to use the same word \'line\' just as loosely in your refute.
    I would\'ve thought that by now, given the number of times you\'ve trolled my posts on this topic in the past, you\'d have realised that I am aware of extending the line into each dimension is the same as increasing it a single dimension.

    So, thank you for re-iterating me; and please stop replying to my posts.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I replied to your post because you said this:

    To get the most power for the least number of blocks used, the best way is to place them is all in one single long line. But if you don\'t want a stick ship, you can look into ways of making the power regeneration more compact.

    Which made it sound like it was either a long line (\"stick\"), or generator style. So I just expanded on what you posted.

    I didn\'t want to make two posts so added everything in one.

    Don\'t know why you are so defensive.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Always build your reactors to best fit your ship, if you are just building a box with empty space around it, then you are wasting potential.
    Oct 12, 2013
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    I personally prefer the power line concept but it that leaves them very spread out during an attack. That can beneficial or a detriment to your power supply. Lines are a spread out target while a reactor is a tightly packed target.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Well since the \"lines\" are much more effective, you can always double them up in different areas so even if they take out half of your ship you still have full power.