Re-oriented Docking Modules after placed

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey i thought it would be nice to be able to rotate the docking area connected to a docking module.

    The reason is quite simple really; If you have a hangar facing out the back of a ship, or the sides, the docked ships will orient in the same direction as the ship itself. Which limits hangars to forward-facing, or an open bay beneath or on top of a ship.

    It would be nice to be able to choose how the docked ship is oriented when attached to a Docking block, so we can make smaller hangars oriented facing out the sides of larger ships, to allow for more customizeable carrier-type ships :)

    Here's a small diagram of what I mean:

    The black arrow is the orientation of the carrier-ship, and the default orientation of the docked ships. The red arrows are what I'd like to be able to do with docked ship orientations; that is, turn them 90 degrees so they face out the sides of the mothership while docked.

    Sorry if this has been posted already, I went through the first couple of pages of the Suggestions, and didnt see it :)