Random things

    Jul 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Travel modes (Slowest to fastest): STL (Slower Than Light) travel: Standard stuff, max of one hundred units per unit (UPU)

    Hyperspace: Requires 1 Hyperdrive block per five ship blocks, 500 UPU max, cannot see out of the vortex.

    Warp: Certain shapes and sizes give certain levels of warp from warp 1 (600 UPU) to warp 9 (1000 UPU) cannot see out of vortex, can interact with other warping ships.

    Slipspace: Similar to the nether, slipsace is 10 sectors per one sector.

    Portalrings: Stargates, can dial any gate up to 20 sectors away, is ten blocks tall and 10 blocks wide.

    Superrings: Must be within 10 sectors of a black hole 500 blocks long and wide.

    Will update later