Random stuff that will make the game awesome

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Here are some suggestions of things that could be added into the game before the official release in a few years time.

    I think there should be a game mode called adventure or survival instead of sandbox. This is basically the same principal as sandbox but theres more adventure. It's supposed to be hard to get the stuff to make your ship awesome, which could lead to maybe weeks or even months of gameplay. Here are some things that could be contribute to this.

    Randomly generated missions.

    The space stations you find all over the universeare pretty lifeless. You shouldn't either be able to destroy them (like shops), resulting in a quick supply of cash. There should instead be 0-3 npcs in the top glass place. These are randomly generated, both in apperance, race and name, so you should never see the exact same npc. They then give you a mission to do for credits/items as rewards. These missions could be to kill a specific target (pirate/random ship) which will be shown on the radar. These missions could be to give an npc a lift to a planet, where there are villages/civilisations. You could also escort some freighters to a specific location.

    When these missions are started the mission ships/npcs start working according to the mission. For instance if you are to escort some freighters, the freighters would spawn. If you where to abandon the mission, maybe fly 2-3 sectors away, all entities that where spawned to do with the mission would despawn or the mission would be aborted, to stop the abuse of missions.

    These missions would have to be as random as possible to offer as much different gameplay as possible. The ships you interact with in missions could be random. The npcs could talk in actual sound rather than text which would be cool.


    I think that each type of module ex. Shield, cannon, missile, power should have many different tiers of the type. Lets say there exists ten different tiered shields, and the last tier costs maybe 1 million per block because they offer a lot more efficient protection and less power consumption than for instance tier 1. A tier 10 cannon does maybe ten times more damage and has 10 per cent less power consumption than tier 1. This could make people wanting to work hard to get better modules for their ship, which would lead to more gameplay. It will also make pvp unbalanced, but the thing is these modules cost so much, so it should be pretty equal. And I'm hoping that pirates loot will be nerfed, because otherwise there will only be ships with tier 10s :).

    Credits should have no cap, instead it's displayed on the screen like the inventory when you hit the specific hotkey. To prevent endless amounts of digits when holding for instance 1,000 credits it says 1k and so on. when you hold 1000,000 credits it says 1 mil. This basically makes the credits digits take less space.

    3rd person

    I wish there could be a 3rd person view that you could actually see through whilest fighting mobs. There should be two type of view. One where it's a "fighter view" and one where its a "big ship" view. The fighter view has more of a fixed position at the back of the ship. I know you can ctrl scroll out but it looks pretty bad. You should be able to adjust the fighter view according to your ships size in a free cam mode then you can lock it in position. The big ship view offers more of a build mode where you highlight a target and then select a module and your cannons will start firing at it (kinda like EVE Online).

    Increase turn rate

    I think that a ship with 200 mass should be able to turn as fast as a ship core. Even though it would be a bit incorrect according to physics. The thing is in starmade you can't pretty and powerful fighters due to the fact that a block is 1 metre which results in less detail. I think that ships with maybe 0-200 mass turn as fast as a ship core. After 200 the ships turn rate slows down like it does now.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    uh no. that\'s no 3rd person. that\'s just scrolling out.

    3rd person is supposed to give us another useful view.

    the zoom out feature is not useful at all.

    i rather use build mode to look around my ship.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I think that things like this will one day be added to StarMade. If it was done how you suggested then it would be a better game than it is. My only sugestions are that the stations have more like 20 npcs, even if most of them just walk around the station to make it look more active.

    My second is that they be imune to pulse weoponry because It can launch players through blocks (I use mine as an escape mechanism ;))

    I really hope this happens. But now I think about it, it would be best to disable the missions on servers because otherwise I would just do missions and ignore other players
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I had another read through, and decided it would be best to have only 2 or 3 tiers. Imagine a basic pirate ship with tier 10 everything. I like to be able to see how strong my enemies are.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    sounds great although if you had missions on multiplayer server wouldn\'t it be even more fun to do them with your friends?
    Aug 15, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    actualy in space there is no air resitance so you are right in space big ships could turn faster but on planets they would turn alot slower
    Aug 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    While this may be a pain to implement, I have an idea for a mission for stations if you plan on ever doing that.

    Scavenger: Board a derelict spacecraft and recover a specific item from a container. you are instructed to leave the ship intact. The gravity module is also online. As you navigate through a clearly old, and damaged ship, winding thorugh hallways and corridors, you finally find the chest you\'re looking for. Upon taking said item, random dis-integrator blocks start going off near the player. The player hears an alarm sound and must rush through the hallways. upon almost getting to the docking bay, the hallway lights up with explosions, starting from the entrance (as not to kill the player) heading towards where the player will probably be. The ship immediately starts spinning out of control. Eventually the ship stops spinning, and the player will naturally attempt to exit the ship and place a ship core to go back home, or to board the special NPC ship they were instructed to use, as it has a low signature that the pirates won\'t pick up, since they have a nearby base the ship has drifted near.

    The player looks out to see two things: 1: the ship they took to get here in, is extremely far away and appears to be drifitng even farther. 2: Pirates are coming from that same direction, to investigate the explosion. The player is then instructed to do their best to get the ship operational again to try to fend off the few scout pirates. The pirates begin shooting at the ship, as the player is told to find the bridge immediately. The player can then activate the AI moduel for the ship, or get into the ship core by themselves and fend off the pirates. Afterwards they\'re welcome to fly the ship home, or fly back over to the npc ship, which they can use, or salvage both.

    For a hint of randomness, there\'s a few other outcomes.

    Instead of pirates, the ship has spun towards a nearby star, and is told if they attempt to exit the ship, they will be killed by it\'s heat. The player must quickly get the engines back online (there\'s a box full of engines the player must place in normal, non-build, mode)The player must act fast as they watch nearby windows in the engine room slowly detereorate from the stars heat. The engine room is oorly laid out and the player must hop around the room, finding places to put down as many engine modules as possible.

    On the way to the bridge or engine room, random hostile, but easy to kill, npcs are encountered and the player must shoot them, fighting for their life as they attempt to regain control over the ship, or repair it.

    Another random thing: the player, instead of activating the AI module, must link heat seaking missiles to the bridges computer, allowing more missiles to be fired to fend off the pirates with, as no other weapons are currently active on the ship.

    A 4th random thing, that you may or may not want to impliment, the player gets the ship moperational, right as a much bigger ship allows you to drift into its docking bay to examine you. The player must then fight his way to that ships docking bay, grab a craft, and floor it out of there.

    I\'d be more than happy to create both the derelict ship, and the bigger ship if it helps. Or I\'m sure you can find someone on this forum who\'d jump at the chance to create an in-game ship to be used XD
    Jun 23, 2013
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    That kind of thing sounds good, but I think it should either be simplified or inserted Around the official release or after.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    A lot of programming? I played a game on my sony ericsson w580i that had random missions and it was pretty smooth. Also schema would probably have more employees by then.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    The generated missions sound nifty, but they\'d probably get repetitive quick like the \"Radiant\" quests in Skyrim.

    Random spawned free ships like in X3 seems spiffy. They could be the \"ship of the week\" on the weekly news thingie. Though that would require weekly \"updates\" to keep the ships fresh.

    Redundant weapons computers could be usefull, though I usually stick the computers near my core so if my weapons go down my core usually follow shortly.

    A 1/3 block, with 1/3 the armor, mass and hp of its block color and type. It could be placed at the top, middle or bottom side of a block, preserving top/bottom symmetry and adding light armor to the game.

    Night vision/Builder vision. Night vision or enhanced vision would be nice to have, especially (or even only) when building. How often do you have to spam light blocks everywhere only to clear them out a few seconds later while building.

    Switchable left and right mouse functions by default. Making the game more like Minecraft may be the last thing Schema wants but having the same control scheme as another great game doesn\'t seem like a bad idea.

    Better lighting/wide area lighting. The wrathlamps from the Minecraft Factorization mod come to mind. Or just run of the mill floodlights, not like the blind you in a second beacons. Though it is spiffy how the game already has many colors of light, something Vanilla Minecraft has yet to do well. (Redstone torches barely count as light)

    Mobs/collectable animals. Like spaceflies, or the wisps from Thaumcraft, or headcrabs, or facehuggers. I mean really, who doesn\'t want a pet facehugger?

    Enemy mobs. Either big ones that can threaten a ~300 mass ship or smaller ones that are target practice for the personal laser. (Both please)

    Not all ships can go the speed limit. I saw a post with this idea more fleshed out, but basically ships cannot reach the 50/100/whatever km/h speed limit is on the server. At least not without specific blocks, the more mass your ship has the more of these block you need to hit the cap.

    Configurable engines. Just like for weapons, little sliders that add or subtract power from things like turn rate, top speed, acceleration etc.

    Fix turn speed

    Beware the wall of text to follow (has math errors, but the idea seems sound), read if you\'re interested enjoy scrolling past if you\'re not:

    A simple way to improve the turning mechanics may be to simply change from using total mass to mass/thrust in the turn speed calculation. Obviously some tweaking in the code would need to be done to use this smaller number but that should be simple. Thrusters have diminishing returns as far as I can tell so while using mass/thrust super massive ships shouldn\'t ever be able to be as maneuverable as much smaller ships.

    With this system you could add more engines, upping your thrust, to increase turn rate. Or you could choose to be more powerful in other ways.

    A more complicated calculation should be used so \"fighters/bombers\" turn faster even with an equivalent mass/thrust ratio to a \"titan\". For example my current fighter is 147.5 mass (not counting turrets, I\'m not sure if they add to the total mass) and it has 204 thrust so that ratio is .723. With the current system it takes ~25 seconds for this ship to do a 360. I\'d like that to be around 10 seconds I think (I\'d need to play with it, but with this system a ship could be easily customized to turn at a rate you like, within reason). However if a ship had 72303 mass and 10,000 thrust it would also have a .723 mass/thrust ratio; but it shouldn\'t be able to turn as fast as the fighter, so some sort of consideration must be taken to prevent titans from turning like fighters.

    Maybe a tier system: 0-300 mass = fighter, 301-600 = bomber and so on, each with it\'s own configurable speed multiplier. These are totally off the top of my head so feel free to suggest different tiers, or make them configurable (I love messing with config files). So a \"fighter\" could have a tier rating of 1 giving a calculation of (147.5/204)*1 so a .723 ratio. Whereas the \"titan\" could have a tier rating of .5 giving a calculation of (72303/10000)*.5 equaling a .3615 ratio. Then maybe make the ratio be 36 degrees per second * the ratio, giving my \"fighter\" a turn rate of 26.028 degrees per second. That would make it take ~14 seconds to turn 360 degrees. The \"titan\" would therefore turn at 13 degrees per second or one rotation per 28 seconds (that seems fast, maybe make the tier smaller?). Again, these are off the top of my head number that seem to work so if you have better ideas I\'m open to suggestions.

    Edit: I\'m a derp, this only works if thrust>mass, would someone fix my math, while I go study for my trig test because I obviously need to >.>
    Sep 7, 2013
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    Mobs would be cool, but you don\'t necissarily need them in order to have facehuggers.