Rail System Modification

    Nov 26, 2013
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    I have a relatively simple suggestion regarding the rail docking system.
    This will only add 1 block and remove another.

    Remove the counter clockwise rail rotator.
    Instead use a "Rail Reversal block" which you link to a Rail or Rail rotator.
    Activate the Rail or Rotator and they will move in their default direction.
    Link a Rail or Rail Rotator to a "Rail Reversal Block" and activate that instead and the Rail or Rotator will move in the opposite direction.

    This doesn't sound complicated to me and I think it would allow two way movement of all rail systems.
    So you can easily make doors that open and close etc.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    This may not fit for the planned future of docking... The current system allows you to change any rail block to any direction e.g. I can change a clockwise rail that is facing upwards to be a counter clockwise rail facing downwards. This can currently be done using 1 rail block and 1 button. Your system would require at least 2 rail blocks and some logic to make the same change Meaning it would actually make things more complicated in the long run.

    They thought through the rail system pretty well before releasing it.
    Nov 26, 2013
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    Yeah I just figured out how it works, it's a bit tricky.