Rail/Core Indicators

    Feb 8, 2014
    Reaction score
    Currently with the new rails, its possible to build intricate mechanisms, or simple sliding doors/ elevators. The only problem with this is that each new mechanism also counts as a core that shows up as an indicator on a vessel/station. A way to differentiate actual ships from mechanisms would be nice, that way there is no longer a spam of indicators for large ships with complex rail mechanism.

    It would need to work in a way that only docked rail/turret entities have the option to toggle this; that way you can't simply hide your core indicator on any ship you build.

    --Current simple fix is to disable "Docked" entities in the navigation menu under Set Navigation Filter. Of course the downside to doing this is that all docked vessels are now hidden instead of just the ones you want.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Yeah, I'd really like to see some way of disabling the rail cores from showing up on the HUD as well.