Radar Jammer power requirements nerf and other things.

    Jul 19, 2013
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    Anyone else ever attempted to create a fairly large (2000 mass in my case) ship that you wanted to be stealthy but not cloaked but are limited by the humongous power requirements? 50 e per block is huge considering 2000 blocks x 10 x 5 is 1 million e/sec (2000 mass = 20000 blocks) meaning that to get anywhere near that power requirements I would probably have to give up the aesthetics and black hull of my ship for more power blocks. Now considering that radar operates on several frequencies IRL I have a few suggestions, in addition to nerfing power requirements for radar jamming to 10 e/sec per block if these suggestions can't be implemented.

    First suggestion: radar blocks.

    Radar blocks operate on a single frequency, but as you place groups of them each block in the group adds another frequency but due to lag issues there should be a limitation on the amount of frequencies there are (perhaps 50 being the max). as more groups are placed the more effective the radar on your ship, planet, space station etc. increasing range of the radar, speed it repeats like on radar IRL the dish rotates. these should maybe take 5 e/sec to operate effectively. Should be fairly limited in stock in shops to prevent people from instantly having 10 groups of 50 radar blocks when they spawn and should be fairly expensive. Radar blocks are mor effective outside of hull blocks.

    Second suugestion: Radar cpu.

    Radar CPU would have 3 tiers and these tiers would determine how effectively it differentiates between friend and foe and how many it can differentiate at once, and how many groups of radar blocks you can have as well as how many objects it can pick up at once within the range of the radar blocks.

    Tier 1 (standard): 1 group of radar blocks can differentiate between 10 targets for friend or foe and can pick up a max of 500 objects within radar block group range. can be bought in shops between 5 - 10 in stock every restock and about 500 credits.

    Tier 2 (advanced): 5 groups of radar blocks, can differentiate between 50 targets for friend or foe and can pick up a max of 1000 objects within radar block group range. Can be bought in shops but its more cost effective to craft. shop stocks between 1 - 5 and costs 5000 credits.

    Tier 3 (cutting-edge): 10 groups of radar blocks, can differentiate 100 targets for friend or foe and can pick up a max of 10000 objects within radar block group range. Can't be bought in shops until you have crafted it, shop stocks between 1 - 2 and costs 50000 credits. Also is the only radar CPU to be able to interpret the quantum radar block groups signals which makes the targets for friend or foe differentiation unlimited, as well as unlimited objects with a tab for the random readings that quantum radar blocks can give off.

    Third suggestion: Radar jamming counter measures.

    Rotating frequency counter measure block: more effective with a single block as it will drain more power to rotate the frequencies of more blocks.

    outgoing singnal cloaker: drains more power but is better for more blocks.

    Not exactly a counter measure, more of an upgrade. Quantum radar block upgrade like the cutting edge radar CPU can't be bought from shops until crafted and even then is extremely expensive and cheaper to craft but converts all blocks in a group into quantum radar blocks. Also has the advantage of upgrading the cutting edge cpu to interpret the random views of different sectors it can provide (chooses a sector at random and displays radar info for it.) these radars can barely be jammed.

    Fourth suggestion: radar jamming blocks.

    Spot jamming block: requires 5 e/sec to operate and works best when target only has one radar block and no counter measures as it only jams one frequency at a time. can be bought in shops from the start.

    Sweep Jamming block: requires 7 e/sec to operate and can jam against the rotating frequency countermeasure but it would still be detectable every so often. more cost effective to be crafted.

    Barrage jamming block: requires 10 e/sec to operate and will continually jam the rotating frequency counter measure as well as the cloaking countermeasure however the more radar blocks there are the higher the power it needs (5% increase every 2 radar blocks). more cost efective to be crafted.

    Base jamming block: blocks every frequency on a single radar block group, more effective against a space station or planet when a fleet of ships has targeted each of the radar block groups. more cost effective to be crafted.

    Advanced Barrage jamming block: requires 15 e/sec to operate but does not have the 5% per radar block increase as well as the fact it can succesfully jam quantum radar blocks as well. Cannot be bought until crafted and is extremely expensive in the shops anyways.
    Sep 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    it will also have to be possible to hide under or behind other big ships to stay undetected on radar so soem kind of radar shadow also the sthealt figther are some how mad eon a way that radar doest pick them up it is soem how bounsing of the hull its not realy a system that is blockign it as far as i know at least.

    also just a small radar on small ships at top is handy to keep overfiew but for big ships ad soem thign like a radar tabel that a player can moutn to help the pilot and gunners to know what is comign from where

    so that he can look at a 3D space map where the detectedships get showen in some kind of unclear shapes that also shows u how big it is
    Jul 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    With for example a brick wall, radar hits the vertical surface and bounces back to the transmitter creating a signal because the radar wave came back, with the stealth bombers and other stealth things they do not have any vertical sufaces and so the radar waves bounce off at odd angles and most don\'t return to the transmitter, therefore making it extremely difficult for radar to pick them up. At least as I understand it, That may be another interesting feature with radar seeing more angled ships to avoid detection.

    I think with smaller ships hiding behind big ships it should work on a couple of forms of radar but not the quantum radar upgrade because the quantum radar upgrade is an end game device and should not be fooled that easily. I saw on the forums a post about when vessels are destroyed, instead of being removed from the universe they should be left adrift as \"hulks\" I think they called it. But this would lead to interesting attacks where a small fighter ship will approach a spacestation or something from the reckage of previous attacks.

    I believe the 3D space map has already been suggested but not linked in with radar before. I think a smaller version shhould be available as the minimap and then when you hit \"M\" a larger version that has more features can be viewed. You shouldbe able to zoom in and out on this and maneuver aroun and it should display more detailed information on things like rocks than blips on a minimap, maybe opening a role for navigators on ships.

    The radar table yes. You could have operations rroms on your ships with these in the centre.