Qweesdy's Planet Eater

    Aug 23, 2013
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    Thought I'd show you all the planet eater I've been working on. Here's a picture of the bottom/front, showing how it's used:

    On the bottom there's 42 small turrets and 2 docking areas for small ships (repair ship and shuttle).

    Here's the front:

    On the front there's 2 missile launchers near the bottom. In the middle (the checker-pattern circle) there's 52 antimatter cannons (4 wedges) and 16 salvaging cannons in an X pattern (for salvaging pirate ships, etc).

    The main salvaging area (the wide strip near the top) is a 3*245 array of salvage beams (where each beam is about 200 salvaging cannon blocks); designed to be wider than half the width of a planet (and wider than a space station). This means it can eat a planet in 2 passes (e.g. eat the west half from north to south, then eat the east half from north to south).

    Here's a close-up of the salvage beams, so you can see how they're arranged (or how to avoid any gaps between them):

    Finally, here's a picture of the top/back:

    On the top there's 20 medium turrets and a docking area for a medium ship (my little fighter).
    Aug 23, 2013
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    Sorry, but no.

    I work hard on my ships to get them just right (e.g. the ship above was the 2nd version and took an entire week). I don\'t want to see everyone on every server (including people that don\'t even know how to play StarMade and don\'t know how to build ships) flying around in awesome ships that they\'ve downloaded. It\'s a bit like people downloading a saved game for the latest GTA and pretending they\'re good at the game when they actually did nothing.

    To be more honest; I wish Schema would make it impossible to download someone else\'s ship/s (unless you\'re the server\'s owner and it\'s a themed pack - e.g. all the startrek/starwars/stargate/whatever ships that have been carefully balanced by the pack\'s authors).
    Jun 25, 2013
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    so those noobs who take money off good players and getting it that all ways sucks so thank you
    Jun 25, 2013
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    so those noobs who take money off good players and getting it that all ways sucks so thank you
    Oct 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    you can download it actually. you included an earlier version of it in your sector export of your base from nasszone
    Aug 23, 2013
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    Thanks Macrixen - you\'re right. For some unknown reason the NASS people have \"published\" this ship\'s design against my wishes. I\'ve asked admin to remove it from the FTP site, and (so far) they haven\'t.

    Fortunately this is utility ship (not something intended for fighting/PvP) so it could be worse.

    Less fortunately, I\'m not sure that I can trust NASS with my ship designs now. I\'ve got a large (5 million block) cap-ship I\'ve been building, that includes a few clever tricks that I don\'t want any of my faction\'s enemies to know about; and I definately don\'t want my faction\'s enemies (and random noobs everywhere) downloading this and killing me with my own war-ship.

    Even more unfortunately; today I found out NASS has installed some mod-pack that adds 400+ new blocks. This means I have a choice - either I use these mod-pack blocks and make it impossible to build ships locally or upload them to any other server (and hope that NASS doesn\'t remove or change the modpack and break all my ships, ever); or I don\'t use these new blocks and attempt PvP against people that have an unfair advantage. My third choice is to abandon NASS, and start somewhere new (and leave behind weeks of work and many billions in assets, including a factory that produces every block in the game).


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    not the ugliest ship in the fleet, larger, has actual weaponry, an interior of sorts, is white, not grey, and all around better than the DFN thirty minute salvage build. Excellent work, Qweedsy.