QuantumMines Corp.From Huge to tiny Ships

    Nov 27, 2012
    Reaction score
    So,after hours and hours of playing singleplayer,and buying nearly everything from shops,the shops were actually out of stock,ive got an idea,and tough "Well maybe i should share it here" well,here it is...

    Quantum mines,the name says everything,its forced to enhance experience and income of credits to Whole fleets,Groups or even Single persons by building High Quality Mining Self Defense Ships and outposts,Battlecruisers heavitly modified for intensive mining,With Full Functional interior Desing and Ability to use it,the second point of this Corporation is to Supply Shops with Materials to offer actual visitors as much as possible of equipment,Ships are low price even they are Huge scale and Durable as much as possible with minimal defensive equipment But maximally forced to mining operations,with acceptable crew comfort,Some ships are planned to be Ridiciously big,some that big,that they can take into its docks 25 and more Tiny Miners,some of Our ships are meant to be Designed as multicrew,excepting Miners,its hard to manage whole ship with 1 person,but its not impossible

    As said,were neutral corporation trying to cooperate with everyone possible,were not interested in wars,if you need some work to be done,words will say everything,Destroying or damaging QuantumMines Products will result as Poorly Equiped Shop and making yourself a traitor...

    We also accept collaborators to our Corporation,there are yet no requirements,and probably will not be,everyone with a good ideas,Clean and calm ideas and cooperative spirit,will be welcome,Also theres negatives,we take no traitors,noone who was,is or want to be pirate,and noone wich has an Enemy (Enemy meant as player,not Mob)

    We supply,they win...

    Building Outposts on Asteroids,that is priority Number 3,its like dog pisses its corner to make its territorry,on our side,its like saying "We was here" or asteroid is secured,or "People,dont mine this asteroid,we did it for you"

    (Want to build ship for us,have an gorgeous builds or ideas in your history? Share them with us! We will highly
    appreciatte it!)

    Ships are currently under construction and due to low number of active Engineers the ships are not able to be used right now

    This idea in a nutshell (Fill the shops with materials to the top,so customers will always have enought of that what they want plus make bigger income for players,also for us)

    Pictures and videos are coming soon,also,im sorry for my gramatical errors,my english is somehow fucked up

    have a nice day tough and thanks for supporting my project! :)
    Dec 1, 2012
    Reaction score
    so im assuming that this will be hosted on your own server and if so are you relesing the ip address when its finished or did you just forget to include it??
    Aug 10, 2012
    Reaction score
    you can count on me as your ally
    with my knowlage about hostiles and tactics i will join