I wanted to make a complete, fully automated, factory with logic, but I noticed that I would need about 14 logic blocks per factory and then connect them basically all to all in a difficult way. Then I thought to use display logic to do so, but I discovered that I would reach a calculation limit with that where the displays would not work like intended anymore.
My third idea was the following:
Introduce 2 new blocks.
1 – Integral Block thingy: Input is added to the output value every tick. Block has a factor value which must be changeable (for example with interface).
2 – Sum Block thingy: Output is the sum of the inputs.
Inputs and outputs can be negative numbers.
Numbers are only full numbers (‘natural numbers’). They should go up above 1 million, maybe up to 1 billion. When reaching the cap they should just stop increasing or decreasing.
Negation must be possible.
1 – via negative factor
2 – via negative connection to other Block (second time ‘v’ on block don’t disconnects but sets to subtract, third time disconnects)
Normal logic blocks would only be turned on when the Number is above 0 (positive). Normal logic blocks have the number 1.
One of the new blocks should be able to be turned off with logic. (sum block?)
With that it is possible to create proportional and differential behavior circuits.
This system should be a small addition with a lot of possible implementations.
It would be nice if the tick rate for that could be increased, for example with a PI or PID control for CPU load per ship or power demand for logic interaction.
The new blocks could be produced in standard or advanced factories.
Extended ideas
Antenna can transmit and receive a signal. There is only one signal for the entire universe, maybe with distance fading. Maybe add directional antennas. Maybe there is a background noise which can lead to interesting places in the universe.
Factory control
Factories, chests and so on output 2 channels, one accessible with connecting it to a sum block thingy, the other by connecting it to an integral block thingy. While one is outputting the numbers of blocks requested the other does it with the types of blocks requested (block ID). The outputs keep swapping through the different requests (block IDs). When nothing is requested the Block type is 0 (or negative).
Inputs for factories also work with the channel system, one for the type, one for the amount, but only one thing can be produced at a time (no swapping like the outputs). Stacking of requests could lead to very high numbers, therefore the high number cap form the start.
Warp gate
Input sets destination.
Make the wireless block able to send pseudo analog signals.
controling, reading rotation of docks in degree.
Feel free to add anything to this suggestion you would like.
I wish to hear the opinion from all of you about my suggestion. (I think)
I wanted to make a complete, fully automated, factory with logic, but I noticed that I would need about 14 logic blocks per factory and then connect them basically all to all in a difficult way. Then I thought to use display logic to do so, but I discovered that I would reach a calculation limit with that where the displays would not work like intended anymore.
My third idea was the following:
Introduce 2 new blocks.
1 – Integral Block thingy: Input is added to the output value every tick. Block has a factor value which must be changeable (for example with interface).
2 – Sum Block thingy: Output is the sum of the inputs.
Inputs and outputs can be negative numbers.
Numbers are only full numbers (‘natural numbers’). They should go up above 1 million, maybe up to 1 billion. When reaching the cap they should just stop increasing or decreasing.
Negation must be possible.
1 – via negative factor
2 – via negative connection to other Block (second time ‘v’ on block don’t disconnects but sets to subtract, third time disconnects)
Normal logic blocks would only be turned on when the Number is above 0 (positive). Normal logic blocks have the number 1.
One of the new blocks should be able to be turned off with logic. (sum block?)
With that it is possible to create proportional and differential behavior circuits.
This system should be a small addition with a lot of possible implementations.
It would be nice if the tick rate for that could be increased, for example with a PI or PID control for CPU load per ship or power demand for logic interaction.
The new blocks could be produced in standard or advanced factories.
Extended ideas
Antenna can transmit and receive a signal. There is only one signal for the entire universe, maybe with distance fading. Maybe add directional antennas. Maybe there is a background noise which can lead to interesting places in the universe.
Factory control
Factories, chests and so on output 2 channels, one accessible with connecting it to a sum block thingy, the other by connecting it to an integral block thingy. While one is outputting the numbers of blocks requested the other does it with the types of blocks requested (block ID). The outputs keep swapping through the different requests (block IDs). When nothing is requested the Block type is 0 (or negative).
Inputs for factories also work with the channel system, one for the type, one for the amount, but only one thing can be produced at a time (no swapping like the outputs). Stacking of requests could lead to very high numbers, therefore the high number cap form the start.
Warp gate
Input sets destination.
Make the wireless block able to send pseudo analog signals.
controling, reading rotation of docks in degree.
Feel free to add anything to this suggestion you would like.
I wish to hear the opinion from all of you about my suggestion. (I think)