Projectile Width adjustments


    Nov 11, 2013
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    Projectile width, on impact, (just cannons??) is now supposed to increase based on the number of blocks adjacent to the output block (which I no longer see in buildmode). I've tried testing this and I'm not sure if the impact craters were getting larger due to total output or adjacent blocks.... Could be a bugged, the way it's working now... Not really sure because no detailed explanations of the new features have been given, just that they exist.

    Would it not be simpler to just have the adjacent blocks add to the impact blast radius at a 1:1 ratio? So if you had a cannon that was 1x3x3 it would have a minimum impact radius of 3... even though the total damage wouldn't be enough to destroy 9 blocks, it would be spread out that way.

    In my test I didn't see an increase in blast size until I had a 10x10x10 block, or a 60x3x3.... which both seem ridiculously sized for most applications.