Programming ships in Lua?

    Jul 31, 2013
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    I'd like to be able to code ships logic using Lua scripting language (kinda like in ComputerCraft mod for Minecraft).

    Don't get me wrong, simple AI creator should remain, but I'd like to be able to do more complex things too.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    People are obsessed with Computercraft for some reason, but I will leave that aside. I do not think Lua is the best way to have the AI\'s be programmed. My opinion is that an event based system will provide the best configuration for AI\'s, much like the gambit system in Final Fantasy 12 or the event system in Blockland.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I believe that LUA-based scripting would be an excellent way to program ships\' AIs. I mentioned this in an earlier thread that I posted, but it never really got through.

    With these LUA scripts, squadrons of ships could easily carry out coordinated attack patterns against heavier vessels, ships could be programmed to run patrol routes around sectors and attack any enemies that come near, and ships could also be programmed to return to a \"home dock\" after they have been deployed and their target got destroyed.

    Advanced AI elements would add SO much to the game.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I have a feeling most people who would use advanced Lua controled AI would be people who would simply be downloading the commands, not people who would be encoding it themselves. Seeing as AI have a limited agression range, which is less than a quarter of a sector\'s size, and the limits of the Lua system the concept of attack patterns and inteligent AI, heck even a docking program is very unrealistic even for experienced coders as there is simply not the same kind of relational positioning data for it.

    A realistic application could be used of an Advanced GUI for AI with sector locational inputs for movement to sectors or beacons within a sector and docking.

    BTW, this is already a topic.. Post there: