Procedurally Generated Ship Graveyards, Radiation and Reduced Salvage Beam Efficiency.

    Oct 6, 2013
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    I like the idea of a bit of radiation near stars and certain parts of space, but wrecked ships being permanently irradiated? Or said radiation effecting the environment so bad that charged beams of energy malfunction? Nah.

    I'm not an expert in the field, so please do correct Me if I'm wrong, (as I probably am) but as I understand it, there are different types of radiation (alpha, Beta, Etc).
    And only some types of radiation can screw up another entity's structure enough to make it radioactive.
    From what I've read in the past, I could strip naked and do a little dance in Alpha wave radiation, and be fine (As long as I don't ingest said radiation source).
    If I leave My clothes on, I could do a quick little dance around Beta radiation.
    I'm not going flipping near Gamma or X-ray radiation, but I don't think they can make other items permanently irradiated.
    I've spent about three years working around x-ray machines, The macjines themselves are perfectly safe and of no threat to the environment.
    I think Neutron radiation is the only thing that can FUBAR the molecular bits of something so bad that it becomes radioactive, and I think neutron radiation stuff (lol) only happens in the moment of a massive nuclear reaction. The moment said reaction stops (like, say, shutting down a reactor), then neutron radiation stops.

    What I'm getting at is, that unless every ship in that graveyard was carrying currently highly radioactive materials (like spent nuclear fission fuel rods or radon gas.... In a vacuum), there'd be no reason for them to be radioactive. At least not to any extent that it would effect the environment or create a hazard.

    TL;DR: Unless those ships were parked at Chernobyl, or made out of radium 266, Radioactive death fields-o-ships get's a big "meh" from Me.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    @fire219 wuv u 2
    *Bohemian Rhapsody plays in back ground*

    I dig it but it's a game mechanic based on realish stuff.
    Besides you'll have a nice RAD meter on your ship to warn you if you get close. Just navigate around! Don your cowboy hat and ride a disintegrator torp right past it! Major Kong would be proud!
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    Oct 6, 2013
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    You just won My fucking heart for mentioning Major Kong.

    I agree, by the way, about the "game mechanic based on realish stuff", I guess I'm just looking at the idea like it's standing on the line between "deep and cool gameplay mechanic", and "Uhg, yet another thing to worry about".
    I'd still back it being tried out, I would just hope it wasn't to over the top.
    Jul 12, 2013
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    Came for boobies.

    Left sorely disappointed.
    I see boobies on my job all day, so i came to see more about starmade.

    I am reading and liking every idea, this make me have my own ideas, but i will think more before talking
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    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    I see boobies on my job all day, so i came to see more about starmade.

    I am reading and liking every idea, this make me have my own ideas, but i will think more before talking
    @flpsantoss YES, more contributions! I'm tossing around the idea of a collaboration between this, the SSD thread and the boarding/hacking ideas. I'll invite you to the convo :3

    I loved Major Kong. In unnatural ways. X3~ nt rly but I love Stanley Kubrick films especially any with Peter Sellers (save for one).
    Just imagine if we could bring him back and have him do all the voices for the film adaptation of something off the wall like freaking STARFOX or something. He's Andross, he's James, he's Falco and he's General Pepper. Then we get some other yahoos to do Slippy, Fox and bunnyface and robo-complainer-64. It would suck gently on descended male primary characteristics from beginning to end but I'd watch it because it's PETER FREAKING SELLERS. </rant>
    Oct 6, 2013
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    Funny You should mention Kubrick, I ended up on a Space: 2001 + Space 2010 bender a month ago. I'm still pretty meh on the overall pace and delivery of 2001, but that scene with the space station at the beginning..... OH GOD YES. I get dangerously close to fondling Myself to that scene. If You put cheesy... ahem, "adult cinema" music to that scene, I'd be spent. No one's done a space station scene that good since.

    also: Major Kong = King Kong = Primate = The bad guys from Starfox 64 were primates =

    Sounds like Your love of Peter Sellers is right up there with My unnatural brolove of Jan Hammer, which is as We all know, the mortal name assumed by the God who walks among us of keytar playing. I say We bring Sellers back, have him do the voice work, have Hammer do the musical score, then get Dan Aykroyd to call forth the spirit of Harold Ramis so they can write the script for the whole thing.
    Oh yeah, and whiskey. Gonna need that to make it through this.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    @Majorfatboy F-yeah

    I was considering a collaborative effort. Everyone knows I have a faction. A faction with a 99.9 percent denial rate. I'm considering opening that up for one reason and one reason alone: Building a full size graveyard. Take a 10k^3 sector and fill it with hulks, wrecks, derelicts and debris. Incorporate the idea from several similar threads. Now since I'm editing this post I know no one will see this without looking for it. So I'd be bringing in the first group of probational SR7:AP candidates some time after this gets unwittingly bumped. Or wittingly at this point since I just nullified the concept my mentioning it. Paradox and magic. I imagine working at flank speed the whole thing would take a week or more to complete and would be uploaded as a PoC for servers to try out. The only benefit would be contributing to the community and having to deal with public scrutiny and criticism. So it'd be a thankless job too. Sound fun? Be glad you're not a Mod.

    After such a glowing endorsement... who wants to sign up? :3
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