Problem with planet station

    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Well I think im fucked. I started building a base on a planet it turned on amazing used over 50k gray hulls and everything still a WIP. However I relised that I forgot to actually start the station by using the M key. Is there any way I can make a station then connect it to
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Don\'t know about your problem, but I\'m wondering, as I\'ve never set a station before... What\'s the point of declaring a station on a planet (or off a planet if you already have blocks out there?) I know it gives a waypoint to go to, but is there any other reason?
    Jul 2, 2013
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    Declaring anything as home makes it untouchable by anything directly connected/docked to the claimed home if they are outside your faction. Otherwise people can steal your stuff while you\'re away.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Using M places a block in space in front of you. That block costs 1 million. If by accident it were to be misaligned and you removed it, there is no refund.

    With this in mind, I reveal to you the horrible truth:
    Using M doesn\'t align with the grid of whatever you\'d try putting it on. Much like a ship, the \"station block\" (just a piece of hull) needs room to be created and so, cannot be cretaed touching anything. That means you\'d have a station hovering above the planet at best.

    So far, the only way to make a station out of an asteroid or a planet and having it considered an actual station object... is to build the asteroid/planet artificially around it..

    I haven\'t tried any of that, but is it possible that claiming a planet (I know you can do that) allows you to set it as faction home? If so, would that protect the same way a sation would? I don\'t think so, since docking pads don\'t seem to work on something other than ships and stations...

    A compromise solution would have your \"home base\" which docks and protects your ship be effectively in orbit above the planet. (I don\'t know if stations are affected by gravity.. hmm). That\'d pretty much make the actual land station a decoration but.. eh.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    From my experience, you can claim/protect planets!

    I play with my brother and we though it would be a great idea to build a base on an ice planet; mostly for asthetics and just the idea of it sounded cool.

    All we did is place down a build block so it would be a LOT easier to construct and a faction module-enter your faction signature into the module (through the menu - R) and it will claim the planet if it is connected. For making it \'invincible\', enter the faction block again and make it your faction home. This makes sure that no one can shoot at your planet and destroy it (even if you\'re part of the same faction) with A.M.Cs or missiles. I have not tested salvage or simply removing block it\'s astronaut mode though, so keep that in mind.

    Hope this helps, and ask me if you need any assistance and I can see if I can help.

    Btw, if anyone knows how to save the schematic for a planet so I can make my base downloadable (when it is finished) please message me as it would be a great help. I think I might be able to get it through the server logs as I have found files regarding listed space stations, asteroids, etc but just want to know a proper method.

    Happy Edventuring - Green
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I have placed faction modules on planets. They can be claimed just like anything else. I\'ve also placed docking points on planets, and they work just fine.