Problem Connecting to dedicated server.

    Apr 29, 2015
    Reaction score
    Alrighty now,

    I've read quite a few people who are having this problem but OP's never reply to the thread to continue diagnosing the problem.

    So starting off I'd like to say my problem is my inability to connect to my friends dedicated server and vise versa.

    We both can connect to our own (running on our own machines) and to other public servers.

    But when we start trying to connect to each others it does not work. (No, we don't both have servers running simultaneously, we run one on mine...try it...then close mine and try one on his machine. Never having any luck)

    We are both pretty familiar with port-forwarding and server hosting and allowing the right things through windows firewall. And we have taken every step we can find online to ensure we are port-forwarded correctly for starmade.

    We both have the same version of starmade. (v0.19174)

    We have tried every combination of opening with steam app and with just clicking the .exe

    We have tried every imaginable IP address (Public, IPV4, etc.)

    Whenever we select "Start Game" it never gets past "Connecting to IP##.###.###.#.#.:4242

    Is there something else that we're missing?

    Any help would be super appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    You may have tried to set a specific IP in the server.cfg?

    SERVER_LISTEN_IP = all //Enter specific ip for the server to listen to. use "all" to listen on every ip

    Make sure its set to all.
    I also assume the partner used your 'external' ip to connect to the server?

    If this all replied with yes lets examine the way you set this up:

    player A starts a single player game
    Player B uses "multiplayer" and enters the external IP address of Player A?

    However, there are in theory three barriers to pass:
    - router (port forwarding) toward the server
    - firewall of receiving computer (host)
    - ISP-routing

    Router is straight forward, Port 4242 on default settings.

    The player opening the single-player game should get a message ONCE on the very first startup of the game when windows asks if that program is allowed to open a port (Program based windows firewall), make sure you answer YES there or look into exception list of firewall, the reply should be saved there.

    If you are sure this all is correct, and possibly other programs can connect to the other computer, please open both starmade directories, delete all files in the /logs subdirectory, and let one person try to go into single player, once done, the other shall connect to it. If this fails, please zip all generate logs and files in the /logs directory and mail them to support (at) star-made (dot) org or attach them here, will look into them and help searching for a solution.

    - Andy
    Apr 29, 2015
    Reaction score
    Server listen IP is set to "ALL"

    Port 4242 and Starmade program is unrestricted by router and firewall on both machines.

    Using public/external IP address. (found by google, whats my ip(dot)com, and Windows cmd prompt "ipconfig")

    Player A starts single player with no issue.

    Player B selects multiplayer and enters IP:4242

    Player B never passes "Connecting too IP:4242" window.

    Also tried,

    Player A opens starmade and selects dedicated server.

    Player A then runs starmade.exe again and selects multiplayer "localhost:4242" and is able to "connect" to server.

    Now player B attempts and still cannot get past "connecting to..."screen.

    Now, Logs erased, then tried connecting from him to me and vise versa, zipped the new logs and attached them here.

    Also, I guess I could mention this is NOT a LAN connection. He is in Virginia and I am in Michigan. Either way I think that shouldn't be an issue.

    Thank you for your swift reply! Even if we can't get this figured out I'm thankful for such a responsive support team! :-D



    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    Location should not be an issue, else the whole multiplayer thing wont make sense. :P

    Okay, according to logs, when trying to connect, it had a plain timeout,
    while being a server it only registered your local connection.

    Its a rare possibility, but we had some cases in support where port :4242 was blocked by the ISP (for hosting).

    Please try another port by using this menu point in the main launcher.

    It may also be a problem to run the dedicated server and client as separate instances on one computer,
    please try launching "Single-Player" on the host, as its in fact using the exact same server-client system, and any single player game accepts connections from other starmade instances.

    It may also be worth a try to disable the windows firewall for a few minutes to make sure it does not interfere on any side.
    (It used to have exceptions from exceptions in some weird menus... so it may easily confuse stuff that was meant for something else)

    - Andy
    Jul 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Hardware Store
    Server listen IP is set to "ALL"

    Port 4242 and Starmade program is unrestricted by router and firewall on both machines.

    Using public/external IP address. (found by google, whats my ip(dot)com, and Windows cmd prompt "ipconfig")

    Player A starts single player with no issue.

    Player B selects multiplayer and enters IP:4242

    Player B never passes "Connecting too IP:4242" window.

    Also tried,

    Player A opens starmade and selects dedicated server.

    Player A then runs starmade.exe again and selects multiplayer "localhost:4242" and is able to "connect" to server.

    Now player B attempts and still cannot get past "connecting to..."screen.

    Now, Logs erased, then tried connecting from him to me and vise versa, zipped the new logs and attached them here.

    Also, I guess I could mention this is NOT a LAN connection. He is in Virginia and I am in Michigan. Either way I think that shouldn't be an issue.

    Thank you for your swift reply! Even if we can't get this figured out I'm thankful for such a responsive support team! :-D
    Does the router have a port-forwarding rule for the port you are using? If not, your router won't relay the connection, and simply not respond to it.