Predicted Flight Path Indicators

    Jul 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    I wasnt really referring to single player when i mentioned teleprots. It only happens in multiplayer (and i think it doesnt matter how good ur ping is but someone can correct me here). So if u dogfight with ur friends or enemies its really hard to do it sometimes cus of those little delays that basically displace ships around. Its even worse if u say fight in 2,3,5 and during the fight u enter 3,3,5. Then the ship in front of u can poop quite randomly.
    Now the problem with prediction is not that easy to solve because of your choice of questions and answers. For example:
    Do i need approximate prediction or precise prediction of movement? (note that every prediction is approximation but im using those 2 different terms to state the accuracy of prediction)
    If u want just a bit of approximation then it will often fail due to sudden speed changes along any of the axis, but it shouldnt be that expensive. If you want really precise prediction you need integral calculus (to see the pattern(s) of the targets movement so far(past), proportional (to see where it is now - present) and derivative (to see where it should be in the future). Then using all 3 of those situations you calculate a pretty good approximation of position. But it is really heavy on the cpu (again not much in singleplayer).

    About rockets. It wouldnt make them unbalanced, since they already hit pretty much always. They would just hit in more "natural" way. They wouldnt chase the target like they do now, but instead go towards the targets new predicted location. This is also heavy for calculations but it can be called from time to time to correct the course of the rocket, unlike the HUD follow mode, which would need constant updates of states in order to work as intented. (at least i think it wouldnt)
    This guy hit the nail on the head. I didn't want something super calculated. Just a line representing the vector, so you can lead the enemy ship.
    Even something as simple as a lead indicator that simply projects a point out to where the ship would be if it flies in a straight line at the current speed for one half second would help. It would require only a few simple calculations with variables that are mostly already calculated. (Speed, direction multiplied by a set time to get a 3D vector) This would be a minimal calculation, would remind the shooter to lead the target, and would still require aiming skill on non-hit-scan-weapons. Bonus points if the lead indicator vector can get a neat, client-side space-y rendering effect.
    This guy too