Power Generation - Cracking the code

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Power tanks don\'t need to be in any special setup, they just need to be touching. Thick boxes give same boost as box dim for equal numbers
    Jul 9, 2013
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    Can somebody explain this problem please :

    \"I have got a ship with 1 line of 12 powerblocs (12*1*1) which give 1889.2 e/sec,

    and an other one with 72 lines (which are not in contact) of 12 powerblocs which give 135527.0 e/sec,

    or 1889.2 * 72 = 136022.4 =/= 135527.0\"

    This is a 0.004% difference but I would like to understand why it appears (an approximation in the formula ?).
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Its how the formula works, its not linear and takes into account all blocks placed, not just each group.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    I understood it with \" + 25 * number_of_blocks\", but this part of the formula is linear

    so how does the formula deal with the fact that there are several \"volumes\" of blocks which are not in contact ?

    what means \"BoxDimXSize + BoxDimYSize + BoxDimZSize\" if there are several volumes of powerblocks which are not in contact please ?
    Oct 22, 2013
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    So im having an issue and since this seems to be where all the major experts on power generation have gathered I\'ll pose my question here.

    So im trying to build a stealth ship that has ~1mil regen. So i build a generator and have 220k e/sec. cool, so ill just build 4 more of the same dimension. *5 more later* ok so i have 6 now, and im at 880k (220 * 6 != 880?) huh... ill add 1 more. *1 more* 930k, how did i only add 50k? what the heck is going on...

    trying to be helpfull before i post this i run some tests. i place a ship core and build 1 generator

    1x1x200 = 1522463.8 e/sec

    the another 1x1x200 = 298650.8 (1522463.8 X 2 = 304927.6)

    then another 1x1x200 = 433309.1 (1522463.8 X 3 = 457391.4)

    So its now clear we are suffering some sort of penalty. So i try one more test to try and differentiate are we reciecing this penatly for : A. the number of generators we have or B. the amount of power they\'re generating

    build a new ship core and use smaller generators

    add 1x1x20 = 3926.8

    X2 = 7853.4

    X3 = 11779.9

    X4 = 15706.2

    X5 = 19632.2 (3926.8 X 5 = 19634)

    what i hypothesize after this test is that generators suffer a penalty to how much they generate relative to how much power is already being generated. I believe it to be relative to how much, rather than how many, since the penalty recieved while testing with the many smaller generators was so small while the penalty with just a couple huge generators was so much higher.

    If anyone knows where i might find more info on this please let me know since i didnt see it browsing the wiki or the forums, and if its a new problem I hope all these local math enthusiasts can help me crack it open
    Oct 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Eh, I figured I\'d try sticking to a relative thread. Would you prefer I make a new one? Way i see it it\'s too late to go back now, I\'ve used my powers of necromancy!
    Jun 24, 2013
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    If you look at the formula you will notice that yes, it does reduce the effectiveness of power generation around 1 million, and at a certain point the bonus you previously got is reduced to nothing and all you get is the 25 boost from each block placed (no matter where it is)
    Jul 9, 2013
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    Our problem with Outbreak is that we don\'t understand how we can calculate the energy generation of several separated groups with the formula.

    so how does the formula deal with the fact that there are several \"volumes\" of blocks which are not in contact ?

    what means \"BoxDimXSize + BoxDimYSize + BoxDimZSize\" if there are several volumes of powerblocks which are not in contact please ?

    can you use an example please ?
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I\'ll check back tomorrow, but see if this makes sense once you\'ve read through it:


    Where B is the number of power blocks in the entire ship, and XS is what you get when you add the following for every generator (collection of connected power blocks) in the ship:

    Xn = (Nn/3)^1.7. For each generator, Nn is the width + height + length in blocks of the generator*. If you have some number of generators with the exact same dimensions, you can remember that the sum of all of their Xn values would be the number of generators with identical Nn values multiplied by their (also identical) Xn value.

    * You want the actual dimensions. If it curves back on itself like a snake but is only three blocks wide at its widest, you\'re using 3 for the width.

    XS = sum of all Xn

    And the equation that you put XS into again is


    So if you just have one ship with ten 1x1x200 generators and a 25x25x25 cube, you could do the 25x25x25 cube like this:

    X0 = (N0/3)^1.7, where N0 = (25+25+25), so X0 = 237.956742339

    and then one 200-length generator as X1, and just add it to XS 10 times (multiply by ten).

    X1 = (N1/3)^1.7, where N1 = (200+1+1), so X1 = 1282.30458472

    XS = X0 + 10*X1 = 13061.0025895

    To calculate B (total number of power blocks), just multiply the block dimensions together. 200x1x1 generators are 200 blocks each, and the 25x25x25 is going to be 25*25*25. With ten of the 200x1x1s, B will be:

    B = 200*10 + 25*25*25 = 17625

    Now to solve the final equation:


    Plug in the values we calculated:


    Result: 1,348,101.12242

    Note that the result may be slightly different from what starmade gives, despite using the exact same equations, particularly for numbers in the millions or above. Might be due to using different precision data types? Hard to say.

    P.S. I used google\'s calculator this time, but if you do this in a spreadsheet or the like, you\'re much less likely to make a mistake. I had to double check everything after I noted that the result was too low, as I had made several mistakes, likely due to being quite tired. What I mean is, you can set it up to have number of generators, width, height, and length fields, and take from those to generate values that it automatically plugs into formulas to generate a result for you. Then you only have to worry about getting the equations and math right once.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    It is exactly what I needed in order to finish my web application which describes 2 possible optimizations.