Power Generation and Perma Cloak/Jam Table & Calculations

    Aug 2, 2013
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    So I've been studying the Theoretical Math for weeks now trying to crack the power generator Code.

    My Desire is to create an awesome, as small and powerfull as possible Stealth Fighter

    So heres the Math behind it all.

    I used Trafalgar's Formula For Energy Per Block Here (http://star-made.org/content/power-generation-cracking-code)

    (1/(1+1.00069^-(((X+Y+Z)/3)^1.7005*0.333))-0.5)*2*1000000 + 25 * (Total # of Blocks)

    You can type this into Google calc and plug in your values for the X,Y,Z and then the total # of blocks and BAM, you get your E/s

    Then using excel i mapped out The number of blocks including in the X,Y,Z directions. now this is all for ONE Generator Which is all Unique Blocks. If that confuses you Read the aforementioned post before reading this because it wont make sense to you.

    Now, it does not matter which orientation you use with your generator whether its 3 in the X direction, 7 in the Y direction, 1 in the Z direction. because that would have the same Regen as a straight line of 9 blocks as long as they are all unique blocks, (means they are the built in the most efficient way, again refer to previous link)

    So this table calculates the number of unique blocks in a generator given the input of # of blocks in X,Y,Z Directions, then calculates the amount of E/s given from that one generator then takes the total number of blocks only taking into account the power blocks, the core, the radar jammer, and the cloaker and calculates the amount of power needed to cloak and jam that Permanantly, then it tells you how many left over blocks you have available to use for guns or shields or thrusters, or hull if you want.

    there will ALWAYS be at least 1 block in every direction even if its only one power gen block, because that one block is 1x, 1y, and 1z at the same time. so 10 long line would be 10x, 1y, 1z

    Now all of this is assuming the power generation formula i got from Trafalgar is correct. but from in game testing and comparing its pretty dang close from what I've seen on some of the small scales.

    If you guys find a better power generation formula PLEASE let me know, and all HELP FULL Feed back is appreciated.

    Heres the Table with Calculated Values on Google Docs


    Also Note that in this Table the formula used does not accurately calculate the actual values in game, but is only off by a very small margin, like once you get into the hundred mark its only off by about 100-200 E/s which is very small if you've got a ship big enough to run a 100 continuous block.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Right now I am int he process of laying down my next line of ships. Stealth, stand-alone vessels meant to just evade radar. Right now, the problem is that I can\'t think of generator strong enough and yet small enough. I have been using your equation and the equation of others and come out to about the 500k regen I need. Thanks
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Isn\'t it 1500e/s per 10 blocks for the cloak and jammer combination because that is what it states in the wiki...
    Jul 7, 2013
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    As far as I know, and I make stelath ships often, it requires 2000 e/sec per mass (10 blocks).
    Jun 26, 2013
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    1000e/sec per mass for Cloak, half that for Jammer. You need also more to move while cloaked, but you don\'t need 2ke/sec.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    I have made a ship with 260k e/sec. Any mass over 130-ish and it can\'t perma both jam and cloak.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Cloaking vessels over 100m normally need some power tanks. I have cloaked/jammed over 500mass with less than 900k e/s energy gain
    Dec 19, 2012
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    CyaNox posted the generator equation on the forums, and I put the equation on a wiki: http://www.starmadewiki.com/wiki/SD_HCT_xm3.4_Power

    Unless Schema changed it again, recently, the energy output of a power group is:
    2000000 / ( 1 + 1.000696^(-0.333*(SumDimensions/3)^1.7) ) - 1000000 + 25 * Blocks

    To BOTH cloak AND radar jam requires 150 energy/(second*block). For brevity, I\'ll just say \"cloak\" and leave the radar jam implied.

    The smallest ship that can move and remain stealth indefinitely consists of 18 Power Blocks, 1 Ship Core, 1 Radar Jammer, 1 Cloaking Device, and 1 Thruster. The Power Blocks must be in some optimal configuration where each Power Block contributes to the dimensions of the generator group (so, a line 18 blocks long, a flat cross 9x10, a 3-dimensional cross 7x7x6, or any other configuration where X+Y+Z=20).

    You can make larger stealth ships by increasing the size of the generator group, up to 594 blocks; any larger than that and your overall energy/(second*PowerBlock) starts dropping again. But, one really large generator group is going to make for a very spindly ship with 6 spindles pointing out along the axes of the ship. You can add a second generator group as long as it\'s also an optimal configuration, doesn\'t touch other generator groups, and consists of anywhere between 13 and 594 blocks.

    13 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 1 other block cloaked.
    27 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 14 other blocks cloaked.
    45 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 45 other blocks cloaked.
    88 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 177 other blocks cloaked.
    138 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 414 other blocks cloaked.
    195 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 780 other blocks cloaked.
    261 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 1306 other blocks cloaked.
    341 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 2048 other blocks cloaked.
    458 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 3207 other blocks cloaked.
    594 Power Blocks can keep themselves PLUS 4390 other blocks cloaked.

    Larger groups always produce less surplus energy per Power Block than a group of 594.

    Remember that the above refers to optimal generator configurations. So, those 594 power blocks have to be in a line 594 meters long, or a cross 199x199x198, or some such. If you have a generator group that big, then your ship\'s SMALLEST dimension will be 1/5 or 1/6 the length of a sector.