Power Distribution and Module/Weapon Size Reduction

    Aug 24, 2013
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    With the new power systems in development, I've been speculating on the many smaller details of the game itself. I keep coming to the conclusion that bigger ships usually mean more lag, and that larger volume causes less performance.

    I then began to think about a non impact heavy (economically speaking) way of reducing the number of blocks while also keeping the power the same.

    Normally people would suggest just stack boxing weapons and such. I think that might work, but also cause over armor/shield syndrome. The idea is to take a single block as storage for weapon blocks, it cannot be destroyed but it doesn't need to be. If a ship is destroyed and the turrets/weapons still intact, you can access these storage blocks to get "damaged" weapon blocks. Alone those blocks are useless until repaired, but could be used for scrap. The amount you can put in the block is unlimited, but the more you put in, the more power it draws.

    The rest of the idea is to make power conduits, the conduits would feed directly into your modules/weapons/turrets/shields etc. This would both be to create some combat effectiveness, and at the same time make up for the over shield/armor syndrome. The functions work by connecting two ends, an output and an input. The input would be put on the turret base for turrets, the computer for direct weapons, the new "shield" block which will tie in the same way as engines.

    Engines and shields would have a special block interface for power, like the weapons and other modules they'd be fed into a single indestructable block, however these have a limit in how many blocks you can put into them.

    A similar mechanic for jump drives equates here, though I'd like to put jump capacitors in so the jump drives can be passively charged.

    it's just a launch point idea, not a finished concept.