Power 2.0 (new iteration): GOOD WORK !

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Power 2.0 (new iteration): GOOD WORK !

    since nobody is saying it...including you Dev Team !!! tsk tsk > a forum-news post about the changes in original (awful) vs final power 2.0 would have been good message making.

    still: nice one!, looking forward to other new things and tweaks to 2.0 systems.

    A strong message about delving deep into game rules to eliminate cascading calculations and make Multiplayer games function smoothly without crippling lag would be great :)
    [doublepost=1518398622,1518397385][/doublepost]@jstenholt : bump this instead :)
    May 18, 2015
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    I’m having just as much fun tinkering with the systems and building ships as I did with the old power, minus the dull, uninspired part where you hit the soft cap and just start spamming reactors.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I have to say it's about time we got a power update. It's been the same old system for so long, there have been tweaks to values but more or less it's been the same. While it's not perfect yet power 2.0 has way more potential than the old system. I am happy I never got around to building a ship with power auxiliary which was such a band-aid feature.

    With the old system there was not a lot of variety to my builds. I focus on RP ships so the majority of my internal volume was dedicated to that which also made my ships heavier in comparison so effects were more or less off the table in all but a few specific builds. When I asked myself if I wanted to dedicate a huge portion of my available system mass to effects or just more shields I usually chose shields.

    With power 2.0 there really has been no downside to just adding a few chambers to even the simplest of ships. I look forward to the system being expanded and hopefully logic interaction so I can really go nuts with it. (Oh and weapon update so I can refit more than just civilian ships)
    Jan 31, 2015
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    It is definitely looking better. I am still hoping to maybe see a few more of the better suggestions for balancing reactors - especially the improved 2.1 stabs addressed, but I think the power system will be mostly balanced within a another month or two of work.

    Hopefully we get to see the new weapon prototypes in dev soon (unless the results of the last dev pre-release discourage the team from ever doing that again)!
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    Reactions: JinM and Dire Venom
    Jul 7, 2014
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    Hey guys, this looks like the right thread. Can anyone here explain to me how you can change the stabilization axis? I cant figure it out for the life of me.
    Feb 21, 2015
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    [right hand side of advanced control menu/hud > scroll down, listed as 'reactor axis' (or similar) ... ]

    Integrity values presently seem to be rather irreverent at large sizes (where massive ugly system-cubes can be easily made) - and rather punishing for small/medium builds...:/

    in a way i feel that dumping c.7000 thruster blocks in a single system-cube should somehow be more 'explodey', rather than having integrity approaching 10,000 :/...