Potential Gameplay interior rooms

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Right now interior rooms add more or less no gameplay features except a few. I myself like to make my ships look good, if they have a purpose. If they have good stats, I make the ship so that I think it looks good. Right now I don't bother much with an interior unless the ship is big because that has no purpose over the advantages of weapons etc! The only real point to have an interior according to me is on ships that are slightly bigger 500+ mass. Then I see that there is a point to put;

    - A medbay
    - A coreroom (that is not a 2x1 room plexdoor hole)
    - A Storage facility/sorting room
    - Sometimes a Hangar

    What could probably be there:

    - Heard something about factories going to be available on ships in some news update
    - According to here; plex undeathinator room could serve well if they were on ship http://starmadedock.net/threads/a-manifesto-on-the-relationship-between-fighters-titans-and-ai.1686/

    So my question is:
    Can you think of any other actual interior rooms that would add to the gameplay and not just be aesthetically pleasing?
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    Reactions: Agame3 and Lecic
    Jan 28, 2015
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    There could be:
    - A clone bay (like undeathinators, waits to clone until out of combat)
    - Weapons rooms (if a player mans a weapons system it gains a small buff)
    - Crew Quarters (restore health and gain a small speed buff while sleeping)
    - Ship view (a group of blacks that allow you to see a third person Point of View of your ship. Kinda like a crystal ball. Would allow you to see the damage done to your ship)

    Just a couple of little touches, crew quarters is like a better medbay but takes a longer time to heal and gives you a speed buff.
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    Jul 12, 2013
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    I would say the game is lacking in mechanics required to give us a need for rooms. A medbay could be useful when defending against boarding parties. An armory might be useful for storing and customizing weapons. A science lab for perhaps studying alien life. An engineering room for someone to modulate shield frequency or, something. The point is these are all dependent on mechanics that don't exist. So, I would say that there isn't really a lot rooms offer in the current game state, besides immersion.
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    I meant the potential gameplay interior rooms that could exist from certain features people could come up with.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    Engine rooms, for you to directly manage the ships systems and repair the ship from.
    Dec 3, 2013
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    Rooms I am designing on my cap ship that are functional:

    -Engineering bay: The person manning the build block contained in this room is responsible for switching secondary and tertiary effects to weapons and systems. so you could for example switch ION from being a passive defense to being connected to your main guns.

    -Core Room: This is where the ship is piloted from and the main guns are fired from.

    -Battle Stations (multiple rooms): Each battle station would control the firing of one or multiple weapons using logic. this would allow crew to fire Broad sides for example. OR to fire "chaff" or "flack" style shotgun weapons to try and take down incoming rockets. These rooms would be used for any weapon that was NOT front mounted and in the hands of the Pilot.

    -Bridge: This is where the captain enters a build block so that they can remain in a 3rd person view and ave strategic command of the ship. giving orders to engineering to transfer effects to diff weapons. telling crew when to launch a broad side or giving flight instructions to the pilot.

    Basically I am breaking down the responsibilities of a ship and making rooms for it and devising ways to give that responsibility to a player rather then doing it all myself. In theory just having a dedicated Engineering team (even if its one guy) to quickly switch what effects and weapons connect to what could make a huge difference in a ships adaptability in battle. The key is everyone has to be very good at working together ! AND if the ship is low on crew then you may be worse off if you end up in a fight then you otherwise would be.

    Other ideas off the top of my head are:

    -Containment Cells (rooms where you can safely contain alien life forms) these could then be transported to space station zoos !

    -Mess Hall. Eating or drinking here could increase whatever buff eating and drinking does.

    -AI Control Room: This room could be used to give "commands" to drone groups that are assigned to a ship. This depends on how fleets are implemented. might use logic to give commands or just have a player in a build block accessing the AI panel. not sure.

    -Teloporter Room (think star trek)

    -Lavatory: Come on .... do we REALLY want to use space diapers like astronauts?

    -On Ship Green House: It has been said that eventually we will have farming. I realize that you shouldn't be capable of having farms on small ships. but for larger cap / titan ships it might be fun.
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