Possible new weapon and an eazy way....

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I am playing the game 1 week ago and i find the game amazing. the only fact is that i think that there i not enough choice to take. 1 weapon, 1 mining, 3 missile.... So i've thougt about and and tell me how you find it!

    HE Cannon: Do less damage but does area damage.

    AP Cannon: bullet goes throught blocks. A calculation possible for it; bullet damage=350 blocks life=100 it breack the 3 blocks and damage the 4th or, more it penetrate less damage it does.

    L1 - L5 Weapons and more: take the resources L1 - L5 rarity and but it to weapons and more. L1 is comun L2 is signeficanly more rare but more powerfull..... same thing to missile. and colored ammo to say which one is what. like red is the L5 so when you see red ammo you dont piss the guy.

    Manevrability thrusters: make you able to have more controlle of your ship (maybe a maximum capacity per mass)

    PS: I am half way finishing my vessal and i am at 291000 blocks. And i was asking, if you could make the gravity block to everyone that is in the place. like you put it in the space station and everyone in there would be affected. also, if you are in the moving thing, can you make it possible that when you are astraunaut that you are able to move in the ship even when its moving?

    Thank you to read, Maxdax5