Possible execution of Player Shops

    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Seeing as I have not seen anyone, at least not recently, suggest how to execute the idea of player economies I think I will give it a try. Please be brutal :)

    How a shop is formed

    The shop is formed first by creating a station. After a Station has been created a faction Block must be applied. A new setting could be added to this menu to and this would have the station become a full store to anyone within 500m of the station.

    How to Stock the Shop

    To stock a shop a station must have Plex storage chests placed within it. Press ‘C’ on the faction module and then press ‘V’ on the Plex chest. This is will link the Plex chest to the station store. Items placed within this chest will be shown as buyable in the Shop menu.

    How to adjust Prices and limit Stock

    To affect the prices and stock levels of the shop a faction member must enter a build block connected to station and go to the Shop menu. Beside each of the items in stock there will be three buttons: Set buy price, Set sell price. After selecting either Buy or Sell Price you have the choice of typing in a value or selecting one of two buttons. When setting buy price the two buttons are: Galatic standard, which will set the purchasing price to match the NPC trading guild's rates(85% of the cost to buy the item), Do not Buy, which will not buy the item from other Players, this option is defaulted as True until a buy price is set. The option for Sell Price are: Galatic standard, which will set the sell price to match the NPC guild's rate, the other option is Do not Sell, which will allow the item to be purchased but the item will not have the 'Buy' option on the Shop menu. The maximum a stock can be set for is by default 10,000 but this number could be adjusted within the server configuration files.

    When inside a buildblock connected to the Shop, on the top right of the Shop menu there will be a button called ‘Balance’ with a number next to it, this will be the Shop’s current balance. Pressing on this button gives the option of removing credits from the shop or placing credits into the shop. If a shop does not have enough credits to complete a sell order the transaction will reset to the maximum the shop can pay, preventing a shop from going negative.

    When an item is bought or sold, there will be a 5% tax placed on the transaction that does not go to the Shop’s faction. this can be adjusted within the server configuration. This will be a means for money to leave the system gained from selling to NPC factions.
    Jul 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    The shop is formed first by creating a station. After a Station has been created a faction Block must be applied. A new setting could be added to this menu to and this would have the station become a full store to anyone within 500m of the station.

    Shop block seems to be reasonable feature, since you might need to pick a spot for a shop when you\'ve already decided on location for station\'s first block, and it\'s not it. But stuff with options is kinda redundant. You just need to enter the block by pressing R on it, and it will give you a separate dialong with all the required functions.

    To stock a shop a station must have Plex storage chests placed within it. Press ‘C’ on the faction module and then press ‘V’ on the Plex chest. This is will link the Plex chest to the station store. Items placed within this chest will be shown as buyable in the Shop menu.

    Again, I see no point in chest involved in shop mechanics. When you access the Shop Block with R, you will get a dialogue similar to standard shop window, but different commands. When/if you have that dialog open, you can just drag items in/out.

    To affect the prices and stock levels of the shop a faction member must enter a build block connected to station and go to the Shop menu. Beside each of the items in stock there will be three buttons: Set buy price, Set sell price. After selecting either Buy or Sell Price you have the choice of typing in a value or selecting one of two buttons. When setting buy price the two buttons are: Galatic standard, which will set the purchasing price to match the NPC trading guild\'s rates(85% of the cost to buy the item), Do not Buy, which will not buy the item from other Players, this option is defaulted as True until a buy price is set. The option for Sell Price are: Galatic standard, which will set the sell price to match the NPC guild\'s rate, the other option is Do not Sell, which will allow the item to be purchased but the item will not have the \'Buy\' option on the Shop menu. The maximum a stock can be set for is by default 10,000 but this number could be adjusted within the server configuration files.

    Again, easier with a active dialog. You\'re entering the shop, dragging items in, and select them. When you select one, you have options to set Buy/Sell prices, remove item from the list (if theres more than 0 items, they will be dropped into inventory), and set the maximum stock. If buy/sell prices are set to 0, then this item cannot be bought/sold. Galactic standard is weird because it\'s your shop and you must have a clue for what you want to buy/sell items you chose, and there\'s hundreds of shops everywhere to pick a clue.

    When inside a buildblock connected to the Shop, on the top right of the Shop menu there will be a button called ‘Balance’ with a number next to it, this will be the Shop’s current balance. Pressing on this button gives the option of removing credits from the shop or placing credits into the shop. If a shop does not have enough credits to complete a sell order the transaction will reset to the maximum the shop can pay, preventing a shop from going negative.

    Credits are in fact is hidden item themselves, thats why you can drop them like anything else. So it will be easier to feature credits as a item in shop list, which is locked and can only be restocked or withdrawn.

    When an item is bought or sold, there will be a 5% tax placed on the transaction that does not go to the Shop’s faction. this can be adjusted within the server configuration. This will be a means for money to leave the system gained from selling to NPC factions.

    Whats the point?
    Jul 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    I like the idea, but I think it could use a couple tweaks.

    What if we made a separate module, say a \"Depot Module\" to act as a player controlled shop. This could only be available to factions, and only factions with ten plus members. (Don\'t know about the coding if its possible, if not just make it insanely expensive.)

    I like the plex storage idea, it breeds complexity, and makes the player controlled shops different than the NPC shops. If it were possible to connect the storages to the factory inputs and outputs (if they come back) then the Depot could feed the input, manufacture an output, and send it back to the plex storage.

    As for the prices, I agree with DivineEvil on this one. Forget galactic standard, it takes sixty seconds to fly to the nearest NPC shop and check prices. If you\'re that lazy (don\'t worry I am too) just make a list of the default prices and use those.

    The tax like DivineEvil said is pointless, unless it goes back to the Depot. Call it a maintenance fee or something, but still kinda pointless.