Possible(?) AI core Changes/Reorganization

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    Apr 13, 2014
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    First, sorry if this has popped up before.
    Second. Sorry if my inexperience in coding has me believing this is easier than it looks.

    Third: The point of this thread

    In my experience so far with the AI system in game, drones seem to be rather basic in utility and in that case mostly useless except in huge numbers. The proposition here is that we add a few systems that would maybe take up one mothership system and sync with the bobbies.

    • Strike Team ID/Rank
      This would be a system with which the Bobbies would identify themselves and others whom they would be working with. The rank part would let the Bobby know if he was supposed to lead the pack or not. Higher ranked Bobbies would make non-essential decisions such as primary target for their fire group while hopefully taking into account size of targets/possible re-enforcements.
      1. Flight Lead = Leads the horde, gives directives to next rank
      2. Fire Group Lead = decides which directive is most important and gives the order to their specific fire group.
      3. Pilot = The grunts who follow the orders.
      Theoretically Pilots could be divided into Squads or fireteams but that would be another set of things to deal with (entering which fireteam each belongs too, their rank in said team, etc.)

    • Fire Group Setting
      This is where you would set the role of a Bobby. !Multiple Bobby roles may be in one Strike Team! Example roles would be something like
      • Interceptor: Targets enemies under X weight. Would be used as an escort type drone.
      • Attacker: Targets enemies between X weight and Y weight. Also targets turrets.
      • Bomber: Assaults the primary ship/station on which turrets may be docked. Attacks strictly above X weight unless otherwise directed to.
      • Miner/Salvage: Non Combatant that would target asteroids or uninhabited planets, or destroyed vessels in the case of Salvage.
      • Medic: Semi-Combatant as it would be in a combat zone but not attacking of its own accord. Would be using repair and recharge systems.
      • Recon: (I'm not sure if the scan system would let this work) Non offensive combatant [fights in defense only]. Its goal is to scan an area in advance for a main fleet. It would then return with the scan results.
      Note that these roles would not define their weaponry, just their behavior and who they listen to more often. On the topic of weaponry, the AIs would also make effective use of Jammers, Cloaks, and other support systems at their disposal.
    • Turret Preference Settings
      Technically this exists in our current turrets the settings being to shoot whatever, at missiles, or at the target of the main vessel. Ideally the options available here in this version would be; Capital (Above Y weight), ASC (Anti-Strike Craft, targets enemy drones specifically or under X weight), AM (Anti-Missile), 'Other' (for dealing with ships that don't fit the Capital or Strike Craft designation

    Strike Team:
    In a strike team the Bobbies would work cooperatively in an attempt to mimic the teamwork of a real world fighter squadron. Realistically the Bobbies would have great difficulties trying to get all the details of squad warfare down so they work with a few things; Target Designation, Allied Conditions/Combat Worthyness, and "Who needs help". Under this the primary target would be declared to the bobbies by a player in the carrier. Flight Lead would take into account the ships around the enemy ship and tell the Fire Group Leads what needs to be dead first. They would in turn give lists of targets to the Pilots in their fire group.

    EXAMPLE: the Player directs their swarm at an enemy carrier. Flight Lead Bobby checks the entity listing around the target and finds drones, turrets, and a few escort ships that don't fit the Capital class. He directs his interceptor lead to mark the drones for the pilots, while telling the Attacker lead to mark turrets and medium escorts for the attackers and so on. The Pilots of the interceptor type ships then decide who to go after based on threat to (in this order), the carrier first, flight lead second, attackers/bombers third, other allies forth. Attacker pilots would follow, Med. Escorts, Turrets, Lrg. Targets. Bombers would only be told to go after Capital ships or Player Targets, attacking anything smaller only if there is nothing else left.

    Take Off/Landing:
    The biggest issue I have with designing a good, focused carrier is that internal hangars (and docking in general) don't work with our current drones. Upon receiving the order however with this system, Bobbies would follow invisible beacons that would be built into the carrier to guide them. The beacons on take off would lead the Bobbies out of the hangars (where they would wait for the rest of the strike team in an orbital flight path around the carrier, UNLESS, the take off was a scramble order in which case the drones targeting is as it is under our current system until flight leads take off and mark targets.) On landing orders, the Beacons would guide the Bobbies back into hangars and to empty docking pads. Docking pads would inform the beacon system that they were in use by logic. If the Carrier is moving too fast for the drones to be able to effectively land or take off (IE if the carrier as at 80% of server's max speed or higher), the drones cancel the order and a message requesting the carrier to slow down is displayed to the player. (this is to prevent ugly crashes in the hangars)

    Guidance Beacons
    Invisible blocks that would be placed while building the carrier. They would not be destroyable and would be an infinite resource from the advanced build system. They as their name suggests, guide the bobbies in for landings and take offs.

    Drone Director
    The Drone Director would act as a weapon computer requiring only to have a Strike Team assigned to it. The Strike Team could then be ordered to attack certain targets via "firing" at the desired enemy craft, or be called in for landing/take off/scramble using an alternate fire to switch between the modes
    • "Land" which would direct the drones to dock,
    • "Take off" which would launch the drones out into a holding pattern until the whole strike team is launched, at which point they engage,
    • "Scramble" which would rush the drones out into automatic engagement
    Scramble would be activated by quickly hitting the alternate activation for the Director twice while the Strike Team is still "landed"
    Feb 8, 2015
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    I like your idea, because it is detailed, however this seems a little complicated for an AI fleet. Specifically the Fire Team parts are a little confusing, but I like the idea of beacons and an AI controlling computer. Could you explain the fire teams a little better please?
    Apr 13, 2014
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    The initial idea was that there would be a chain of command that would ease the amount of thinking that the pilots had to do, and also make it so that players didn't have to micro manage. On the strike team scale (which in hind sight I would call it a Squadron), a bobby that would be assigned the role of "Flight Lead" in the rank section would do the rough calculations to determine what enemies should be targeted by who. This is to say, the flight lead gets the hard job of figuring out if the enemy ship is a small fighter, or a massive carrier. Next down the chain is the Fire Group Leads. I'm currently looking at revising to remove these guys from the line since they're really just middle men, however in the event that your Flight Lead dies, these guys are still able to look for targets and direct the pilots effectively. The last link of the chain is the pilots, who's only decisions are "Do I attack X, Y or Z first out of the ships that I've been told to attack." They would if possible do a threat calculation that takes the enemy size, and location based on the Carrier, Flight/Fire Group Leads etc. into account before attacking.

    Fire Teams (Or Squads) would be small groups that fly together engaging similar targets. This would be different from the Squadron as a whole as target designation isn't done by the squad, they just would be slightly more effective because its multiple drones attacking each target, IE 4 interceptors after 1 ship. One bobby would be selected to be the squad lead, and the other Bobbies would just use his targeting decisions.

    Hope that clarifies some things. I'll probably comb through this later when I'm back from school/work