Possibility of adding fuel consumption

    Apr 17, 2017
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    My thoughts are these:

    Making systems that produce power consume fuel may add another layer of challenge to the game, as well as make inter-player relations more meaningful.

    With or without the heatboxing update, my idea would be that a reactor would be configured by the player to use a certain 'color' of fuel. This would be refined from the same color of ore or crystal (or perhaps both). Since the raw resource types follow the same basic 6 colors(and also black and white), this system would hopefully be intuitive and easy to understand.

    Fuel cells of a different color can still be used by the reactor, however with less effeciency depending on how far from the color wheel the currecnt color of fuel cell is. This would (hopefully) encourage trading between players.

    One of the problems with this system is that it does not make sense with the black or white raw resources. One possible solution is making a monochromatic engine, that runs either black or white at maximum effeciency, the opposite color at minimum efficiency, and all of the other colored fuels at medium effeciency.

    Solar panels would be a necessity to make this system work, but they would only work on stations/planets, so that you will be able to always process fuel when you run out.

    A possible issue of this design would be that a player could just swap what their reactor runs on at a whim if not implemented correctly. The goal is to have one ship use one fuel type, and perhaps even forcing a player to choose at the beginning the fuel they would would like to use for all of their ships.

    It should also be noted that all ships should be able to have a small energy income in case they run out of fuel mid flight, just to get them home, while bringing down their defences.

    Tell what you people think of my ideas, whether its goo or not, or what needs to be changed.


    Identifies as a T-34
    Nov 16, 2013
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    If you ask me (and for some reason no one ever does. Does no one like me? :cry:) fuel should be it's own resource. We don't burn steel and we don't build vehicles out of gasoline.

    However, most people are quite strongly opposed to fuel, so get ready to be called an idiot, anti-fun, ECT.
    Apr 17, 2017
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    If you ask me (and for some reason no one ever does. Does no one like me? :cry:) fuel should be it's own resource. We don't burn steel and we don't build vehicles out of gasoline.

    However, most people are quite strongly opposed to fuel, so get ready to be called an idiot, anti-fun, ECT.
    The only reason I would argue against that is that that would dilute the amount of ore in the universe with a material you may not need.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    I think things like fuel and ammo would actually add a lot of depth to the game (could always be a config to turn requiring it on or off). Same thing for some kind of requirement of upkeep for vessels and stations. All these things would put appropriate limits on what is now unlimited. When something is unlimited and taken for granted it's meaningless.
    Nov 1, 2014
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    I'm still pro-fuel. My opinion is the current free-energy reactors are okay but should be hardcapped so they are only viable for small or starter ships, requiring you to get fuel infrastructure and more powerful reactors in place to support anything larger or more powerful. We know gas giants are planned, so I think hydrogen/deuterium mining and refining from gas giants could be a good way to bring reactor fuel in the game while also turning gas giants into a valuable strategic resource. Also a good way to start with NPCs because those mines and refineries will need to be staffed.

    And of course you can always buy bulk fuel at the local stick shop, so you don't have to get into gas mining as long as you can generate some credits somehow. It's all about economy here.

    Just my two cents though.
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