Pods, and ship boarding

    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So i was thinking that it would be nice to be able to create escape pods and boarding pods for your larger ships. The reason being is sometimes you don't want to lose your inventory during an assault, or sometimes you just don't want to give the enemy the satisfaction of killing you! Also the boarding mechanic will allow crewmembers of a larger ship to have more of a job than man a turret.

    Now I know you can just build an escape pod using docking modules and a ship, however I was thinking about a new block to dock "Pods" to that would have more limitations than a full blown docking module, but with two advantages as well.


    It would be cool to design pods that can have a smaller "docking area". Additionally it would be awesome if the pods "docking area" could be built inside of without making the docking area invalid, thus allowing you to wrap the main ship's hull around the escape pod allowing the players to design non cube pods!

    Now I was also thinking that pods should be point, fire and forget. I.E. the escapee jumps into the pod, hits the launch button and the pod launches in a straight line away from the main ship, possibly at a slightly higher speed. Then in the escape pod's case maybe after one sector they can then become player controllable.

    Boarding Pods:

    Now these pods I was thinking could have the ability to dock in reverse to a ship. I.E. have a module that allows the docking ship to select an open area of enemy hull to dock to regardless of the enemy ship's shields. I was thinking these pods should only be launchable from a mother ship AND that they should be like weapons. I.E. the boarding team fires their pod, and hopes they didn't miss, as they will have no control in space.

    However the boarding pod will only be remotely balanced when (if) players get combat weapons, and I believe the ships should also be able to build anti personnel automated turrets to ensure that boarding pods don't become a sure-win thing.

    Anyway those were my ideas, all came from the fact that hiding an escape pod was kinda difficult with the docking system!

    And I know that these features would be a looong way away considering all the combat implementation that would need to be done, and I sure don't pretend to know if this would become a balanced mechanic in this game! But hey, better to say a mediocre idea than not say any at all =)
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Though, on the boarding pods, what if the mothership that is shooting the pods, hits a ship without an interior Ex: a fighter?

    Great idea tho +1
    Jun 24, 2013
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    i think a better way to do it is just being able t switch between your ship and docked ships so you can just switch undock go
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    With all due respect, I really don\'t see how this is necessary. Just keep the docking area to its minimum size and size your escape pod large enough to fill most of it. After all, a real escape pod should be roomy enough to fit a sizeable amount of crew who need to abandon ship. Plus, for it to be an enclosed escape pod, it will need to be at least four blocks high for you to enter, which already accounts for most of the minimum docking area.

    And for pod ejection, just blast your thrusters in reverse (since you can travel currently in any direction at the same speed).

    However, if you are asking for 90 degree lateral rotation for spacecraft about standard docking modules (as opposed to turret docking modules, which you can use to get your desired angle so long as you expose your ship core), I would agree that would be super. However, keep in mind that Schema fiddled around for a long time to get the current docking system working, so he might not be too eager to dive back into code that is \"good-enough\" for now.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I agree with dch13, escape pod modules aren\'t really neccesary.

    I do think though that boarding stuffs would be good though, IF he ever added player weaponry (tanks, guns, grenades, ect).

    \"Curse the day they add nukes into StarMade\"
    Jun 30, 2013
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    why not ue buid blocks as seats and disintegrators a a means of making a hole big enough? i.e the big ship could lauch some small guided (as in, player inside) missle and then the boarding pods could enter into the hole left behind? as we now have these pistols, I think this would work quite well, however, the big ship would need to take the shields down, as the disintergrator explosives cant get through shields.

    just a thought