Plexdoors kill servers. They need to be reworked.

    Apr 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So I have a slight problem, I've installed...a LARGE amount of plexdoors on my hangar, however when I open them ping across the server shoots up incredibly high. I've actually managed to CRASH a server with nothing but plexdoors.

    This is obviously a problem, not just from a gameplay standpoint but from a trolling standpoint as well. If it's not fixed then it's easy to just hop on a server and open and close a large amount of plexdoors till it's no more fun for anyone or the server just crashes into a flaming heap.

    What I propose is a rework on doors, complete rework in the way they...well... work. Right now they do nothing short of turning invisible and letting you pass through them when you open them. The blocks are still there, and if you try to pick something up through them you will instead pick up the door itself. Obviously this has been fine up to this point, but it's time to start thinking of the end product and where doors fit into it.

    The main problem here is how doors interact with each other, instead of simply sending the info across the server that every individual block in a set of doors is opening or closing, howabout each door in the set is considered part of that one "Door" set. That way instead of every client recieving info about god knows how many blocks being switched to invisible, they simply recieve the info that "Oh look, that door is open now." End of story.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Should not cause too much lag. They should make a limit to how much can turn on at once. Or they could consider all of the plexdoors one value. Sending less data to the server.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    For an update to the plexdoors you would need to designate one block of the plexdoor as the \"hinge\" block, and upon activation of any adjacent plexdoor, the other blocks would slide up into the hinge block. You must then activate the hinge block and the blocks would return to their normal positions.

    As for your lag problem, how many freaking doors are you using? Seriously though, even in Minecraft using WorldEdit will lag your server. There\'s really no way to fix lag caused by changing a large amount of the world, that\'s why there are not dynamic-sized doors in Minecraft.

    EDIT: added something to \"subject\" part of post so the first few words are not repeated.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    That would not really fix it unless it was all sent in one data value.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    there is a lot of things that make the servers lag. doors is one of them. just make sure who ever is hosting the server has good upload speed from the ISP