Player weapons are ignored by shields

    Jun 20, 2013
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    They do so little damage (except maybe rocket laucher) and would actually make sense since the shielding is kind of a thing on the outside.

    Also in terms of balancing I think this would be great, because it would give a purpose to shoot a pod with some guy in it to grapple on to the enemy ship. A guy sabotages the ship from the inside to me sounds epic.

    Also, it would encourage armouring the insides of the ship, in addition to using the new blast doors. It would also encourage making booby traps with logic to trap incoming players!
    Jul 23, 2013
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    I'm not in favor of player weapons being ignored by shield because that opens up a lot of trolling potential, like replacing your turrets with players who activated your gravity control and have a protective bubble of door blocks around them. Who needs ship weapons when you can just attack a ship's hull directly, regardless of size, with player weapons?
    Last edited:
    Jul 21, 2013
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    suggested already
    and IMO a bad idea, unless it is a config option, or handheld weapons can only damage certain blocks.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    you do know player weapons are a lot weaker than ship weapons? have you tried destroying a single hardened hull block with the pistol?
    Aug 21, 2013
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    Hmm... how about... player weapons can stun computers, kick people out of cores etc?
    Jun 20, 2013
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    It only takes a few seconds to get through hardened hull with the laser. Modules only need a couple of shots, and shields can be one-shot. It'd only take a few seconds of shooting to get through a thin hull, then a player could chew up the insides of a ship.

    I'd rather see a sapper tool that disables computers and opens doors. Building should also be disabled if an enemy player is near by to prevent the pilot from placing walls to block off the core when enemy players are on his ship.
    Feb 26, 2014
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    @aceface You forgot about sniper, rocket launcher insta hull kill, and whatever other weapons they decide to make for players. ( should they get rid of them?)


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I think that just doors and computers (including things like bobby ai's) should be able to be destroyed by hand held weapons through shields. That way, people can board and sabotage ships, but can't just be annoying and blow up random bits of your ship.

    "Now, Lecic, this is still very griefy. People can board my ships and kill them while I'm offline," you're probably saying to yourself. Well, here's my solution to that. Interior turrets and NPC guards. Both of these are things you can already do, in the game, to defend against boarders.

    Also, side note, turrets should not be allowed to fire through the walls of the host ship or track things through walls. It makes it impossible to board a ship with an interior or frequently exterior turret, as they aim and kill you through the walls far before you even reach them.
    Aug 23, 2014
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    I made this suggestion a while back. Shielding on the inside of ships protecting every door and computer terminal just doesn't make sense to me. Have the weapon open the door but not destroy it, and being able to kick a player from the core and temporarily disable weapons computers, that sounds fun. Boarding parties would make sense. I know what you mean though. You don't want it happening while you're offline.

    Solution to THAT little problem, have a "camp" function for ships with a jump drive. You'd enter hyperspace add you log out and your ship will be inaccessible until you log back on. You can also build some pretty good for turret door defense systems that will wipe out any ship small enough to shoot at them.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Sabotage tool to open doors and disable computers would be reasonable way.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I'm not in favor of player weapons being ignored by shield because that opens up a lot of trolling potential, like replacing your turrets with players who activated your gravity control and have a protective bubble of door blocks around them. Who needs ship weapons when you can just attack a ship's hull directly, regardless of size, with player weapons?
    Fire distance?
    Cost of NPCs? (though it would probably the best dmg:mass ration ever :D)

    Player weapons should be weaker and not actually damage ship blocks at all.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    well i don't think it's a good idea when you see sniper and rocket launcher.

    I had a suggestion about ship destruction and boarding i never posted, it implied computers for shield, thruster, reactor and doors, a personnal computer/tablet that could be used to hack these computers and logic blocks and a plasma cutter that could destroy shielded blocks but that would take something like 30-40 seconds to destroy a block. Maybe that could be a solution but there is the problem of the player in the core that can add blocks to stop a boarding commando.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    My idea on weapons:

    Burst Mode: 0.5 seconds reload, 6..15 clip size, inaccurate after 20 meters vs moving targets in continuously shots.
    Focus Mode: 1 second reload, 6..15 clip size, inaccurate after 30 meters or vs direction changing targets.​
    Clip size : 6..15
    Range : 150%​
    Assault Riffle:
    Clip size : 15..60
    Reload : 0.2 .. 0.1 seconds​
    Sniper Riffle
    Clip size : 1..4
    Clip reload : 3x
    Burst Mode : 50 meter, 1 seconds -- 100m, 2 seconds for accurate targeting
    Focus Mode : 200 meter, 2 seconds -- 500m, 4 seconds for accurate targeting​
    Rocket Launcher:
    Clip size : 1
    Clip reload : 5x .. 10x

    Pistols should be 1-handed (you can take 2 of them) but that would
    either disable clip reload on some pistol types while 2 are hold
    disable focus mode
    make you more vulnerable to meele attacks (same as if you hold a riffle)​

    Pistols count as standard equipment which means that a ship can be used while it is equipped.
    Riffles and Rocket launchers must be unequipped before using a ship.​

    Each weapon has a weight and a size attribute.
    If weight and size both exceed some amount a player is unable to do certain action or it takes longer to do it.​