Player Upgrades - Some random things

    Sep 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I, as a new player, have already gathered that at this current stage (and itll probably always be this way) most of the combat is centered around dogfights between ships. This is fun, and rather enjoyable. However, I think that players should be able to upgrade themselves.

    When I say "Upgrade themselves" I mean more along the lines of purchasing objects that affect their person. These could be anything from Boosters to use when in space (Ive been stranded, thanks to those damned pirates, many times and this would be AMAZING) to personal shields.

    I think that as this game progresses, boarding other ships and defending planets (Via using stationed men) shouldnt entirely fall on ships. (Dont get me wrong, I like the ship combat! :D)

    Just a random suggestion, I didnt really come up with concepts. Just that as time went on, Id like to be able to invest as much time and effort as I do with my ship into myself. Definitely seems technologically advanced enough to have some cybernetics and such. ;3
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I think eventually there\'ll be an armor system, similar to Minecraft or something like that, with different types and upgraedable bits. Gotta remember, still Alpha, and bug fixes appear to be the main focuse for Scheemeedeem.