Bug Player Spawn location creates large empty block of space

    Aug 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    Just as the title says. When I exit the game, go back and spawn, then the 'chunk' that I was standing over would be missing, causing me to fall into a pit. The chunk does not seem to affect any ships nearby and begins below the player. Image coming soon.

    This has happened twice and both times I had to lay down a build block and cheat myself ice to fill the spot. Also, both times this has happened, it occurred in the same spot so perhaps it's not where the player stands but just that chunk alone...

    EDIT: Just went back to continue working on a project and noticed this odd event

    In summary, it looks like that by restarting the terrain tried to reset, but any handplaced blocks would remain and be worked around. I'm thinking that waiting a couple minutes longer before spawning could help while the game's loading, or just restarting..then again, it's time consuming when you add the time spent waiting/restarting all together :[
    Last edited:
    Aug 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    to sovle the problem go live on another planet
    1: If it's in the code, the planet won't matter and I doubt it's the planet causing the problem.
    2:That's not really an option right now as I've yet to even begin work on a carrier sized ship nvm one big enough to carry my frigate :<

    The issue isn't Über troublesome but very inconvenient when spawning, then proceeding to fall and when lacking a core....yeah, sadly mining isn't fun in Starmade like in Minecraft.