Player created Warp Gates (fast travel system)

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Hey I've heard a lot of people talking about Warp engines and fast travel and I would like to share my ideas and reasons for them.

    So I have thought of warp gates. A station with some form of circluar or square gate that players can build the peices to and create a gate. Then they can go into a menu and connect it to any other active warp gate of the same faction. Varible size changing the the distance in which you can connect. As well as a larger gate to fit large ships through.

    What I think this will achieve would be.

    A network of important locations as the stations will provide a hub of transport and trade. As well as a reason for setting up defences in a place other then factory stations.

    It won't distroy the element of exploration as players will have to go and explore a place before being able to set up a station. Meaning all the fast travel will be done in sections of space players controll.

    This will help balance the problem with warp engines that can telleport players away from combat and into other systems at the blink of an eye.

    Possible implimentation.

    Warp connectors and power source

    When a station is built warp connection pieces could be places on the edges of the gate and (in build mode) can be connected from one to the other to make the internal space of the warp gate. This would require a minimum of four points and could work some what like docking enhancers allowing the more placed to create larger gates. The size of the warp gate and the distance it connects would make it take more or less power everytime it is activated.

    I think this would be hard to impliment but if done right would add so much complexity to the game play and give space stations more of a reason for existing and more of a reason to defend them from pirates and other faction.

    So what do you guys think of this possibility? Any Ideas as to how this could work better?
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    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I really like the idea of making stargates the way you described. I definitely love the ability to limit ship size so that no one can suddenly curb stomp you in your own base with their flagship

    Although I\'m not sure if encircling the warp area is such a good idea. I mean sure, it would make for some really cool designs, but most people would just make a hideous gray box and leave it like that.

    Maybe they could look like EVE\'s acceleration gates?

    This would make more sense with the other docking mechanics where you have a basic docking module and extenders.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    So for an accelleration gate would you create an entry block at one point and a exit at the other with some form of acceleration blocks being linked in the center making a longer range the more the acceration blocks between the start and end points?

    this way a ship could use the docking beam to connect to the entry point and zoom along to the exit till reach the exit point and warp to the next place?

    then the power consumption and connections would be the same?