Planets cause major lag!

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Hello Everyone! First off, thanks for taking the time to help me. Happy new year!

    Short Story;
    • I had to downsize all planets, big planets made me lag :(. Is it normal for standard sized planets to cause major lag?
    • I used the server.config to edit planets, lowered it to 50 and 10 deviation. Is there a slider under advanced options to adjust planet size, rather then using the .config?
    • lag is starting to build up, especially near my home base. Any ideas why lag is starting to build up? my max frame rate is starting to decrease, but only near planets and bases.
    System Specs
    • CPU = AMD FX 8350
    • RAM = AMD R9 2400 12 gigs
    • HDD = Solid State
    • GPU = R9 270x 2 gigs
    • Max CPU Temp while playing( CPUID) 60c
    • Max GPU Temp while playing 40c
    Starmade Settings
    • I allocated 1024m of Ram for initializing , and 8 gigs for max.( Starmade Launcher Options)
    • No AA
    • No Shadows
    • Max View Distance
    • Most Settings on Low or Off
    Long Story

    I have been playing Starmade for about 30 hours, so not to long. When I first started playing, everything was great! After building a nice ship( made of roughly 2000 Grey Hull) things started to get laggy. I was living on a terrain planet that I was using as a base of operations ( 3 of each factory, a small house (500 grey hull) and power and storage units.

    The planet was fine, but after while, being on the planet made me laggy.. now I get 15 to 5 FPS just being on this planet.. I don't mine on it, and have built no new structures. And I have the same ship.. It's as if something is building up, but what?

    So I went to go look for a new home, thinking maybe this planet for corrupt. Then I found this magnificent large planet!! ( playing vanilla at this point) As I started to approach it, the game lagged and capped at 1 FPS. So I slowly left the area. I came across another large planet and the same happened, but this time, the game locked up at 1 fps. I got off the game and I look around the web, and I seen people using the server.config to make planets larger, so I did the opposite, and made them smaller. When I logged back in Starmade, the planet was still the same, and I was still laggy. After a few minuets of Holding W(Key) I finally got far enough for FPS to pick back up. Then the game crashed . I logged back in and everything refreshed. I was happy to see the planet I just left shrank! the lag had been vanquished. Then I turned around and tried to head back to my planet, only to realize I was not in a out the server deleted my ships, base camp, and storage units. the server had refreshed. Oh well. I went online I read about the Catalog to save ships, and learned a few new stuff! I started playing again, I rebuilt all my stuff, and low and behold, the lag is starting to come back! :(

    Is this normal for everyone? Is this normal for my systems specs? if so that's ok. I will just wait for the game to come out of beta so I can buy it:). Or do you think something is wrong with my settings/ system?



    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Your "segments drawn" (a setting similar to render distance) is too high. Reduce it until you get a tolerable frame rate.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    • Arrrty Gold
    I like how your question looked comprehensive at first, only to be answered by one sentence.
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    Reactions: Unnamed25
    Dec 30, 2014
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    So how does everyone reduce the planet generation lag? Normal play is 400+ FPS, and once the planet's generated it's easily over 200 FPS with a 780GTX even right next to the planet, but until it's done my system crawls at 1 to 5 FPS. The Java process is pegged at 99-100% on a quad-core until the planet's fully rendered out. Frustrating thing is it never seems to save it as I have to go through the same thing every time I leave and come back to the same planet.

    I've set max segments from default 1500 to 1000 and it didn't change anything. VOB is on, AA on or off doesn't change anything. Resolution is 2560x1600 which I'm not going to change as it's over 400 FPS flying in free space, and smooth once's the planet's finished generating. I tried cutting the lighting quality in half to 32, but this didn't seem to change much.
    Jan 3, 2015
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    Hey Keefd! I lowered the planet size to small! No more big planets, no more lag..and to be fair, plants are just a means of getting resources.. all the planets in my Solar System look all devoured! haha.. so I see no reason to have large planets!!!

    You will need to edit the size in the server.config. !! Also, everyone on the chat system here on starmade agrees, if you land a ship on a planet, your gonna have a bad time..

    So, try not to land large ships on planets. they said like 800 mass and below is ok, but I got lag with ships around 400 mass..
    Dec 30, 2014
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    Cpt_F, Thanks!! I set the planet size to 65 with a deviation of 10, and the next planet I went to loaded very quickly! Unfortunately the planet I made a base with the faction block will always render too large, but that's okay. I'll try setting the size to ~90 and see if it is still okay.

    Again, thank you!