Planets and their plates


    Aug 10, 2015
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    There have been many fixes non more prominent then being able to make titan or mother ship class with out the game laging to death (applase)

    Though while that is one of the great improvments the one big nagging question will be what can we do to fix the lag fest we call planets i have landed on some but the lag was to great while mine is a mid ranged older laptop of about 293 gigs with a normal processor not so sure about those whos computer runs on lesser then my computer can do for such a task

    The key thing i noted was as soon as i got to the edge of the plate was where the worst of the lag was happening i saw some of the blocks were spawned inside of eachother wether that is causing collision or not is up for the experts but this is my own note on the subject maybe someone took note of it before maybe not but i do hope to see this fixed because the idea of colonizing a planet excites me as much as im sure it excites others
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Current planets are still an improvement over the old ones: (although I still quite liked the old ones even if they did look like flat CD disks XD)

    Currently planets are just big, laggy asteriods.
    I would very much like to see them a LOT larger, however then you have a lot of lag to contest with.
    Problem is the many millions on blocks involved :(

    On that note, why not have planets as well defined entities like as mentioned above, except have very thick atmospheres.
    The ground would not be visible from space (only a "projection") and the planets would only appear to be one giant textured object like a star thus you could have ships in orbit and stations without lots of lag generated by the planet.
    To get the planet segments to load you have to fly into the atmosphere where it will load the nearest "chunks" and put a fog over all the distant ones (like minecraft).
    Thus still some lag but your not loading the whole planet at once and you could potentially make planets very large (as in massive, sector sized) without killing everyones computers.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    But then I would not see someones planet being bombarded back to the stone age by my fleet in orbit!
    But I think they have plans to improve planets and make them viable for bases / cities that can defend themselves.
    Soon (TM)
    Jul 6, 2013
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    If you are playing single player you can limit the size of planets to make it a bit easier on your computer. Other tip I remember was don't leave a ship on a planet. If you have to land, if possible put down a rail and dock.