Planets and Enviornmental Hazards

    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    I think most players would get frustrated if whenever they tried to get close to a planet they took damage. Perhaps shield-draining effect if they're moving too fast?
    Jul 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    I think most players would get frustrated if whenever they tried to get close to a planet they took damage. Perhaps shield-draining effect if they're moving too fast?
    That would actually make more sense. I mean, that's what shields are for after all. Unshielded ships should take slight damage though, this applies to ships with no shield blocks and ships that are out of a shield charge from being attacked.
    Dec 15, 2014
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    I really like this idea a lot, and I think along with dangerous planets we should have ship based teleporter systems for beaming down to the surface of planets. These could be extremely expensive to build so as to keep them at a high "technology level" but I really like the idea of this. You'd of course need some sort of item to call your transporter room to beam you back up again.
    Dec 20, 2014
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    all ideas are great. but for simplified coding make each planet have just 1 environment. but the day/night cycle works only for planets with oxygen. BUT with a space suit that doesn't matter.

    what it should be done is make the temperature aside from any effect of the planet. and base the temperature hazard according to the distance from the star. you dont see pluto getting hot on the sunny side, its cold everywhere, just as mercury is almost always too hot.

    this also should depend on the type of atmosphere, gaseous ones should retain the heat, and planets without much should be cold most of the time.

    what i'd like:

    damage for entering the atmosphere (depending on what type is) and get shield damage and after some hull damage.

    make the atmosphere BIGGER so the time "burning" your entering shields is greater than just a second if your fast enough, talking of fast it should also change upon the velocity youre going into the atmosphere.

    also it would be impossible to enter planets with considerate atmosphere on "foot"

    render space mining null for ships too small in scale of the planet, so only bigger ships can actually mine from space. so as many said, give smaller ships that enter the planet value to mine inside, but they cant just enter with the core and start mining there, it should have a block threshold i.e. a too small mass ship on a too high atmosphere should destroy the ship and kill you, so you have to pick which planet you want to enter, this will also make planets good hiddings pots and good for HQs.

    i have alot of more ideas but im tired and need to lay down. also apologizes if i couldn't transmit the idea how i wanted
    Dec 22, 2014
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    Making some planets hazardous would be nice provided there is a simple upgrade to your suit to overcome them. A hot planet has lots of magma and does some constant damage to structures etc. Heat shielding (or just shielding) could overcome this. Cold would be likewise but less structure damage and instead maybe a power drain effect...

    What would make this really nice is if you could terraform planets or merely make terraformed "zones". Place a temperature terraform block to make a hot/cold shielded zone, much like the docking zones, that will not have the negative effect. That could let a base live on a hazardous planet, and make everything inside that zone safe, including ships and the player without actually changing the hazardous environment.

    Planets could have more/alternate resources the more hazardous as well... a "geothermal reactor" could use heat from a hot planet to produce a lot more energy than a normal power reactor.... just thoughts....

    Overall, the thought of variants to the planets, in size, hazard, risk, and reward, go a long way for players who like to explore....