Zim, you just gave me an idea for a \"Salvage Crawler\" of sorts. Building a salvage beam array like you would, for a compact, high speed collection, but make the surrounding hull at a 45 degree slant down and to the aft, for your \"Treads\" so when you face-plant this beast into a planet, the treads lay flat on the surface, with the salvage element down in front of you at a 45.
Not much of a view staring down at the ground, but I\'m sure you could have the cockpit far back enough to have a decent look around where you\'re going.
Even after you chew all the way as deep as the beams will go, you\'ll still be grinding along the surface on either side of the hole/trench you just dug. I\'d say fill the treads with engines and shielding from there.
Anyway, I\'ll see what I can come up with whenever I get my machine set up and actually get to play Starmade again.