Planetary Mobs, Planet Naming, Laser Rifles / Handguns

    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen

    I love this game already. Here's a few things my clan and I have been discussing.

    1. Planetary Mobs. Eventually I'd love to see some strange creatures inhabiting certain planets. Weird alien lifeforms on some planets, and on the more 'earth-esque' planets it would be hilarious to have minecraft-esque, castle-dwelling, sword weilding humans- a 'minor inconvinience' to interplanitary colonization. Imagine swooping in on a human village and laser beaming them to dust.

    2. Planet Naming- just like it sounds. Factions should be able to name planets. We have an ice planet right now that we call Hoth.

    3. Laser Rifles / Laser Handguns- again, just like it sounds. Everything from salavage guns, to anti-matter hand cannons. Also.. um..

    Lightsabers? :P
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    You had me right up to \"lightsabers.\" I\'m not so sure about that.
    Jun 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    Yeah, melee in this game? I don\'t think so. But handheld weapons are planned and I hope that different suits will be too (together with dangerous atmosphere that allows only certain types of suits etc). I would prefer them to be weapons, though. Leave industrial applications (salvage, repair) to industrial-class equipment.

    As for naming, that should be player thing, with little to no support in the system. Or at least limited to factions which have limited slots for making \'their\' planets. Otherwise I suspct there will be many trolls naming everything they\'ll see something stupid.