Pirates & World Missing?

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Hello all. First time poster here.

    I am really liking this game from the tinkering around that I have done over the past couple of days. I do have two questions though.

    First, are pirates a constant nuisance, or are there pockets here or there that I can escape to where they won't bother me? I like building very large monolithic things. If I will be able to do that in peace do I need to find a safe place or is it a matter of blowing up their stations so they leave me alone?

    Secondly, I seem to have hit a snafu with my game world. I have been playing single player and after turning on my PC to play today I found myself back at the starting shop in what appeared to be a new world, even though I verified that I was using the same one in the world manager. Is this a bug? Feature? Is this a thing in general, and can I get the old world back?
    May 26, 2013
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    Make sure you're logging into your game with the right name.

    Also, you can find safety in sectors - as long as there aren't pirate bases nearby.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Generally speaking, when you start up a new world (or start on a new server) you should grab a planet as a temporary base, faction block it to claim the system and mark it as your faction home, then use your starter cannon blocks to build a simple defense turret for your base.

    That will keep the pirates at bay while you build up to bigger things.

    Once you've built up to where you have a station, make that your new faction home and then just make sure anything you build is docked to it during the build. Anything docked to a faction home base is invincible, just like the base is. A decent defense turret or two when you're getting started with your station will keep any pirates handled.

    Then yes, as soon as you can get a ship that is big enough to kill a pirate base, go take out any such bases within a few sectors of your own base, then they'll leave you alone for good.