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No I do not forget they exist and oddly enough after a few decades playing and play testing games I kind of know how the industry works. Programmers, 3D artists, 2D artists, story writers, sound production, the tea lady, producers, publishers etc etc etc. Kind of like any business out there, different departments doing different things to keep the whole industrial machine rolling.Y'know, they have multiple staff members. It's not like it's the programmers themselves that're doing the balancing and tweaking. That's the job of the other team members. You know, the ones who can't program or add features themselves? The ones that you and RabidBat are consistently forgetting exist?
But I thank you as both you and Bench both make an important point that I have addressed elsewhere and shows exactly why so much is going wrong with this games development.
These people constantly rebalancing things, who cannot wait to foist them on the paying public who do not want them. It sounds like doing shit to keep in work for the sake of having the job. It's a bit like when someone explaining some 3D artists at Schine and the things they were doing a while back. Which was essentially. "They need something to do."
It's like I hire freelancers from time to time to help me work on web sites. If I am too busy to do say some graphics,or some coding I need is being an issue and I cannot get to grips with it, and various other reasons I hire people to help me out. "Hey guy, here's some dollars, make me a banner."
So this guy makes me a banner, and that is all I needed of him. But instead of saying "Goodbye and thanks for all the fish. Until next time." For the sake of purple, rainbow unicorn farts and the glorious FSM (all hail his noodly appendage goodness :p) "I say hang on, here's more money, just sit around the office and maybe draw some pictures because why the hell not." And he works because and why not?
After all I do not need his work, I have everything I need from him. And I would really hate to see the guy have to find another job or just sitting around twiddling his thumbs or doing something useful.
So now I have a big pile of drawings and a hard drive full of his Deviant Art portfolio for the next 10 years on my hard drive. So hey what am I going to do with it?
I know, I just start embedding into all my clients websites.
Because hey, it needs to go somewhere, because hey, he needs the work.
Not that the clients need or want it, but who gives a fuck about them right?
Sheesh they should be grateful for these free graphics they never needed or wanted because Bob, yes he's called Bob, has something to do.
And if my clients complain I'll just tell them.
"Hey shut the fudge up, what do you know about web design, graphic design or hosting? NOTHING I TELL YOU! plus think of Bob, BOB NEEDS THE WORK DAMMIT!!!!", without me Bob's life is over. I mean what's he going to do? Just leave and find another job. ARE YOU CRAZY? THIS IS BOB WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HERE! And man do not get me started on Maureen the Tea Lady, I only drink coffee, but think of her children. I think of her kids, it's why she stays in the office despite me not drinking tea. Because you know, she's a tea lady. It's what she does. So she should stay and make me tea. Because you know, purple.

And that is exactly how it comes across when we're told, "hey we have guys whose sole job is to rebalance shit,essentially change numbers in text files and fudge your game, because you know, it's what they do and purple, but hey do not worry they are fudging the game and changing those numbers for no reason, IT'S THEIR JOB. They need something to do because saying to them, 'Good bye and thanks for all the fish, see you when we need you' is so hard to do."

See how nutso that seems to a moderately sane person? I mean it seems nutso to me and I am far from sane

Actually I sacked Bob, spent the money I saved doing so and hired someone who can actually do something for me and grow my business. I know I know, poor Bob and I am a terrible man. Damn my common sense.
When you have to point out sarcasm you're doing it wrong. Also where have I said expecting feature rich game play? I would love for you to show me.Obviously he doesn't, since he is expecting feature complete gameplay. The fact that we have 'gameplay' at all is something of a minor miracle. This is not something you can reasonably expect from an alpha level program.
[sarcasm]It's a pity Schine has no idea how to make this game and Bench wasted all of his time writing those useless planning docs.[/sarcasm]
Oh I wait I see, I say adding BASIC game play along side the updating and bug testing is me wanting a full featured game.
Like I say, when you say the sky is blue and mean it. Someone will always come along and tell you you said the sky is red and are completely wrong in knowing your own mind.

I'll not bother with the rest of your post. When someone cannot be bothered to fully read my posts but fully replies to them, and then tries to tell me exactly what I meant from reading every 2nd or 3rd sentence I kind of lose all urges to read their material and take it seriously.
I'd insert the [sarcasm] pointers, but you at some point need to take the training wheels off and ride the bike yourself. You can do it kiraen . The FSM and I believe in you.