Pirates not spawning?

    Sep 5, 2013
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    The server I play on has been having issues getting pirates to spawn on a regular basis. Random pirates will attack areas where players are situated, but the pirates that sit in sectors when you're out flying around have nearly dried up altogether. The server admin has greatly increased the number of AI in the universe, from the default 250 up to about 1500. At the same time, he's dropped the respawn time for them to about half the default. We do see quite a few trade guild ships about.

    One of our observations is that AI ships that have their ship core overheating while players are present, will stop overheating if the player leaves the area. This means that we are regularly finding floating hulks around player starbases and out in space - presumabely after battles between pirates and trade guild. Could it be that the mob count is including all these derelict ships floating about randomly? The admin ran a command that removes all un-owned mobs, but that hasn't seemed to improve the generation of new ships. At most, we find small groups of pirates, in the least-expensive ships on their list (Isanths and some Star Wars fighters that were added.)

    Is this a known issue? Is there a work-around, or some setting that my admin should be made aware of?

    Thanks for your help.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    I wish I had your luck, because me and a friend was playing in our own private server and we walzted out of spawn in our derpships and got annihilated by SEVENTEEN FUCKING PIRATE TITANS ALL IN THE SAME GROUP!!! Yeah. Sooooo.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Titans for Pirates seems to be a bad Plan.

    On our Server there are no Pirates spawning anymore, too. :(

    Even with the Admin spawn command noone is comeing.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Thats because no ship is set for the pirates to use.

    (Yes there is a setting for what ships pirates/trade guild can/cannot use, but only an admin can toggle it).
    Sep 5, 2013
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    Well, no - as I said, some small number of pirates spawn. They are few and far between, however. They are also the least inexpensive types that the admin have added to the list of pirates, none of the larger \"capital ship\" types have been seen in something like a week of searching.

    The Trade Guild seems to have won the war - they\'re everywhere.