Pirates difficulty

    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I suggest maybe you guys make a system that would start the pirates off on an easier difficulty, and slowly increase over time. They are currently too over powered for starters, and screw you over if you happen to come across one in the beginning
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Yeah, I agree, unless the AI\'s decide to use the players ships in the catalog (Which barely happens for me, the only ship they want to use of mine is a skeleton of a ship that I was building that I saved, never seen them use even my light cruiser) the game gets really easy once you\'ve built a 1.5K+ mass ship, and seeing the same damn pirates just gets boring.
    Jun 7, 2013
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    I don\'t like level-scaling, and in a sandbox game it may be a horrible idea.

    I\'d rather have power of pirates be randomized, with some dependancies on the place - sectors known as pirate hives could have plenty of powerfuls pace stations with standing groups of powerful ships, raiding parties in rather \'wild\' territories could use several small-to-medium sized ships, random bands in trading faction sectors could be composed of a couple lightweight ships and on occasion player should be able to find single, fast and small scoutship (though such should rather try to run away, not engage players).
    Jan 28, 2014
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    I can\'t even get through the first flight without weapons in the tutorial without being blown up. Level scaling in at least the tutorial would be a HUGE plus.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Some pirate hives (definitively not at spawn and should be avoid-able) could have ships which are completely OP in every way (maybe except speed).

    Your problem (and a situation to learn from) if you want to fight against bigger things and then suddently notice, that you can die too.

    You would be so small, that your few blocks do not attract them. Every ship or fleet bigger than 10 times your size should not chase you - in all situations - as long as you don\'t damage them or something of their faction in their sector. But if they exist, the space would not be as emty as now.

    In my oppinion, the spawn should have very low credits difference between shops. For more lucrative stuff you should have to go through dangerous sectors which require you to have a radar jammer to not get scouted and swarmed by pirates.

    Every time you use the start sector shop, you should be able to click a button and reset yourself 2 power modules, a 4 thrusters, a core (if there is no core you own within 300m) and 1000-5000 credits and a radar jammer.

    If you don\'t have enough credits, all your stuff in the sector will then be sold (ships, inventar, plex-storage-items) either until enough credits are available to give you the things mentioned above, or until you own nothing but the things mentioned above (as a security for players which lost their first core and all blocks put on their ship).
    Jun 26, 2013
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    What we need, is more pirate ships. The current one is challenging to begin with, but as soon as you raid a station and get some money, they\'re so easy to destroy. What if there were different \"classes\" of ships added?

    Scout: Small, fast, low damage, minimal shields

    Warbird (to quote Star Trek): Moderate damage, size, and speed. Essentially what the Isanth-VI is.

    Cruiser: High damage, low speed, big, moderate shields

    Carrier: Carries 10 Scouts, lots of turrets

    Flagship: Found at faction claimed stations, Extremely Fast, Heavily Armed, Heavily Shielded

    Just an idea, anyone like?


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Flagship: Found at faction claimed stations, Extremely Fast, Heavily Armed, Heavily Shielded

    What if I have 10 of these?

    Faction claimed stations?
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Some pirate stations are \"faction claimed.\" They pop up as orange on navagation I believe. No, I do not mean they spawn when you claim an area with a faction block.