The game should not enable pirates by default if they are so extremely broken that a complete newcomer cannot even play the game properly.
I want to quote something from my reply on another thread to elaborate:
But.. There is simply an issue with the unforgiving AI, which is somehow 100% accurate even if you put accuaracy to 0, and AI pirates follow you at all times, sniffing you from 1.2 sectors away, without stopping to chase you at all, so you get no chance to start out decently if you run into pirates (and of course, they start spawning all over the place the longer you play, without despawning). I\'d even go as far as saying that turning off pirates by default would make it easier for players to understand the game first before diving into battles they cannot win.
Instead of denying this fact, you should acknowledge the issue, because there really is one. You cannot expect newcomers to read a guide before starting to play, and you cannot expect them to know every little thing about the game they\'re going to play... The game is supposed to teach them that naturally as they go, without making this too hard or impossible. Luck should not be the biggest factor in this learning stage, because right now it all depends on wether you run into pirates or not early-game. People HATE to lose their ship, I can tell you that.